"The Absurd" refers to the conflict between the human tendency to seek inherent meaning in life and the human inability to find any.

Nihilism : from the Latin nihil, nothing) is the philosophical doctrine suggesting the negation of one or more putatively meaningful aspects of life

Monday, November 15, 2010

Absurd Questions

Which kind of Nihilist or Absurdest are you? The Turgenev 'Fathers and Son's whiner type or are you a Nietzschean one? The Russian Nihilists? Was there a Copernican revolution caused by Nietzsche? You could be a Faustian or an Apollonian nihilist? Withdrawal for instance often makes them crumble before your eyes and the '''Indian" nihilist withdraws from their presence into himself. Withdrawal often identified with the negation of reality as in the WEST associated with the various versions of Epicurean-ism and Stoicism. Then you could be an Atheistic Existentialist or a Theistic one? If you answer these questions yes or no I’ll tell you whether you are a nihilist or an absurdest.


1. Is there such a thing as meaning or value?

2. Is there inherent meaning in the universe-either intrinsic

or extrinsic or God?

3. Can individuals create meaning in life themselves?

4. Is the pursuit of intrinsic or extrinsic meaning possible in

the universe?

5. Is the pursuit of constructed meaning possible?

6. Is there a solution to the individual’s desire to seek


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