Peter Suber, Philosophy Department, Earlham College
- This the single-file edition of the guide. It is large and loads slowly, but once loaded is easy to browse and search.
- The guide is also available in a multiple-file edition, whose sections load more quickly. Details
Welcome to my collection of online philosophy resources. If you are stuck in a frame, click here to escape. If you are a frequent visitor, press reload or refresh on occasion to be sure that you are viewing the most recent version of the page, not the version cached on your hard drive from your last visit. I've marked recommended sites with a red star When the whole file loads, use the search command on your browser to find items by keyword. To register to receive an email announcement whenever this page is revised, see the bottom of this file. If speed is a problem, try one of the mirror sites in Germany (München, single-file version) or Italy (Bari, single-file version), or Italy (Bari, multi-file version). The original is in Richmond, Indiana, U.S.A. About this guide. Submitting a URL, scope, plans, notes, FAQ, awards. Also see my policy on dead links. I welcome URLs for inclusion, notice of broken links, and suggestions and comments of all kinds. If you're interested in guides like this to disciplines other than philosophy, see my list of lists of them. To catch users who type the incorrect URL, I have set up several aliases at my server. If you type /peters/ (rather than /~peters/) or /suber/ (rather than /~peters/), or html (rather than htm), then an alias will automatically redirect you to this page. But these URLs are incorrect and I cannot promise that the aliases correcting them will be supported forever. Please make sure that the link or bookmark that got you here has the correct URL: If you link directly to one of my sections (such as Associations or Journals), and if you use one of the aliases rather than the correct URL above, then you will be sent to the top of the page, not to the right section. For faster loading as well as proper targeting, direct links to my sections should point to the sections of the multi-file edition of the guide, not to this single-file edition. | ||
Last revised February 16, 2003. | Copyright © 1996-2003, Peter Suber. | Current file size = 382k. |
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General Guides to Philosophy on the Internet |
Why list more than one, especially unstarred guides when there are so many starred ones? Because this year A may be better than B, but next year B may be better or A may not exist.
- Guides in Czech
Filosofové. Anonymous.
- Guides in Chinese
- Taiwan Super Logos Philosophy Web. Also available in English.
- Guides in Danish
- Filosofi på Internettet. From Keld B. Jessen.
- Guides in Dutch
- Filosofiebeoefening in Nederland en België. From Lidie Koeneman.
- Filosofie op het Internet. Anonymous.
- Guides in English
- Björn's Guide to Philosophy. One of the best early web guides to philosophy, no longer updated. From Björn Christensson.
- Blackwell Publishers' Guide to On-line Philosophy Resources
- Chinese University of Hong Kong Guide to Philosophy. From the CUHK's Research Institute for the Humanities.
- DynaWeb's Philosophy Aide. From DynaWeb creations.
- Eastern and Western Philosophy. From Prakash Arumugam.
- EINet Galaxy Guide to Philosophy
Episteme Links. From Tom Stone. One of the larger collections of philosophy links. (Based in part on this Guide.)
- Field Nodes, Philosophy. From Phil Hughes.
- Guide to Philosophy and Logic. From Paul Wong.
Learning and Teaching Support Network. Subject center for philosophy and religious studies. From Nik Jewell and David Mossley.
- My Virtual Encyclopedia of Philosophy and Religion. From Bob Drudge. Searchable.
- Nerd World Philosophy
- Net-Resources in Philosophy. From the University of Vienna.
Noesis. "Philosophical Research On-Line." Structured searching of a database of online philosophy texts. The future of scholarly web searching, browsing, and organizing. From Anthony Beavers and his IALab. (Disclaimer: I am a co-editor.)
- Philosopher's Almanac. Philosophy Department of Miami University of Ohio.
- Philosophia. From Douglas Portmore.
Philosophy. Philosophy section of Edited by Rich Gray.
- Philosophy. From LookSmart.
- Philosophy. From Sirius Forensiks.
- Philosophy and Theory. From the Eclectic Diner.
Philosophy Around the Web. From Peter King.
Philosophy at Large. From Stephen Clark, University of Liverpool. Also available in French.
Philosophy in Cyberspace. From Dey Alexander. Includes online updates to the book of the same title. Very thorough and well-organized. If speed is a problem, try the U.S. Mirror.
- Philosophy Links. From the System of Life Institute.
- Philosophy Links. From Frederik Boven.
- Philosophy Meta-Links. From Leslie Jones. Links to general guides to philosophy on the internet.
- Philosophy on the Web. From Arno Wouters. No longer updated.
- Philosophy Pages. From Dieter Köhler. Also available in German.
- Philosophy Portal. From Philosophical Services. Registration required.
- Philosophy Related Resources on the Internet. From Peter Morville and Stephen Clark.
Philosophy Research Base. From and Villanova University. Large, well-annotated, searchable.
- Philosophy Resources on the Internet. From Frank Edler.
- Philosophy Resources on the Network
- The Philosophy Site. From David Thunder.
- Philosophy Sites on the Internet. From Yossi Mamroud for the Philosophy Department of Tel-Aviv University.
- Philosophy Sources on the Internet. From Fiona Steinkamp.
- Public Sphere. From Paul Ashton.
RBJ's Philosophy Page. From Roger B. Jones.
- Routledge's Guide to Philosophy Resources on the Internet
- Sean's One-Stop Philosophy Shop. From Sean Cearley. Formerly one of the best, but no longer regularly updated.
- The Source. From Mary Long.
Voice of the Shuttle Philosophy Page. From Alan Liu.
- Virtual Library Guide to Philosophy
A Window to Philosophy. From Sandro Reis. Also available in Portuguese. (Based in part on this Guide.)
- The Window: Philosophy On The Internet. From Chris Marvin and Frank Sikernitsky.
- The World of Street Philosophers. From Jian-Hui Tjong. Large, but much is in Chinese.
- WWW Philosophy Sites.
- WWW Resources in Philosophy
- Yahoo Guide to Philosophy
- Zeroland. From Adrian Hart.
- Guides in Finnish
- Filosofia Internetissä. From Petri Ylikoski
- Filosofinen Aikakauslehti. From the journal, Niin & Näin.
- Guides in French
- Choix de sites philosophiques. A section within the site, Philosophie, Informatique, Mathématiques, from Patrick Peccatte. Based in part on this Guide.
- Petit guide de ressources en philosophie . From Stephen Clark, University of Liverpool. A larger version is also available in English.
- La Philosophie sur Internet. From Josette Lanteigne.
- Guides in German
- Annettes Philosophenstübchen. From Annette Schlemm.
- The Camillo Schrimpf Page. Especially on philosophy, literature, and psychoanalysis. From Camillo Schrimpf.
- Deutscher Philosophie-Knoten
- Philosophie, Logik und Wissenschaftstheorie. From Herbert Huber.
- Nützliche Adressen für Philosophen. From Armin Fingerhut.
- PhilNet. From the University of Hamburg. Very thorough.
- Philosophers Today. Despite the English name, this is a German guide. "Der Philosophie-Bahnhof für jeden." From Joachim Koch.
- Philosophie. A section within the larger Wissenschaftliches InformationsSystem (WIS). From Wolfgang Melchior.
- Philosophie im Internet. From Karsten Wilkens.
- Philosophie-Ressourcen. From Haimar-Supriatno Staib. Very thorough.
- Philosophie-Sieten. From Dieter Köhler. Very thorough.
- Philosophisches Internet. From Claus Oszuszky. Large and searchable.
- Philosophy. From Uwe Wiedemann. Very thorough.
- Links on philosophy, literature, and culture. From Joerg Wittkewitz.
- ZAS — Agentur für Philosophie und Wissenstransfer. From ZAS, Agentur für Philosophie und Wissenstransfer.
- Guides in Italian
- E'Tempo di Filosofia. From Pierpaolo Redondo.
- Filosofia in Italia. From Davide Fasolo.
- Filosofia morale. From Giuseppe Modica.
- Risorse Filosofiche in Rete. From University of Genoa Department of Philosophy.
- Servizio Web Italiano per la Filosofia (SWIF). From Luciano Floridi.
- Guides in Japanese
- Philosophy Web Sites in Japan. From K. Nagasaki. Also available in English.
- Guides in Norwegian
- Filosofi - Idehistorie. From Nils P. Lie-Gjeseth. Also available in English
- Guides in Polish
- Polska Siec Filozoficzna. From Krzysztof Kudlacik.
- Guides in Portuguese
- Conexões filosóficas. From Desidério Murcho.
- Consciência. From Miguel Duclós.
- Filosofia. From Desidério Murcho.
- Filosofia. From Paulo Francisco Slomp.
- Guia da Filosofia na Internet. From António Rodrigues Gomes. (Based on this Guide.)
- Katalog Filozofia w Internecie. From Maciej Soin. (Based in part on this Guide.)
- Uma Janela para a Filosofia. From Sandro Reis. Also available in English. (Based in part on this Guide.)
- Guides in Romanian
- The Romanian Philosophical Portal on Higher Education. From Viorel Guliciuc. Under construction. All pages will be published in Romanian, English, and French.
- Guides in Russian
- Philosophical Resources on the Internet. Portions available in English. If speed is a problem, try this mirror site. From Rinat Ischakov.
- Philosophy in Russia. From Maxim Lebedev.
- Guides in Spanish
- Anábasis digital Portal Bibliográfico de Filosofía. From Anábasis. (Annoying music.)
- Guía de Recursos de Filosofía en Internet. From Jesús Hernández Reynés. Also available in in Catalan.
- Proyecto Filosofía en Español. From Gustavo Bueno.
- Recursos de Filosofía en Español. From José Filgueiras.
- Red Filosofica Peruana. From a growing group of Peruvian philosophers.
- Guides in Swedish
- Filosofi. From Yiva Holm.
- The Philosophy Net. From Daniel Rönnedal. Portions available in English.
Guides | Philosophers | Topics | Associations | Journals | Teaching/Learning | Etexts | Bibliographies | Mailing Lists | Newsgroups | Projects | Preprints | Jobs | Dictionaries | Quotations | Miscellany | Hippias | Top | Bottom | Multi-File Edition | About |
Philosophers and Philosophies |
Limited to major philosophers, i.e. omitting "professors with home pages" as far as possible.
Many major philosophers have etexts in various sites across the web but no central page collecting them all together. For them see the section on Etexts.
Also see the sections on Associations, Bibliographies, and Quotations.
For philosophers not on this list, try the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, and/or the Hippias search engine.
- Nicola Abbagnano. From Rosanna Panelli Marvulli.
- Abelard. Essay by William Turner, no links.
- Theodor Adorno. From Carsten Allefeld.
- Theodor Adorno From Evelyn Wilcock.
- Albertus Magnus. From Al Pinto.
- Hans Albert. Also available in German and French. From Hans-Joachim Niemann.
- Aquinas. From Stephen Loughlin.
- Aquinas. From the Thomas Instituut Utrecht.
- Aquinas and Thomism. From Joseph Magee.
- Aristotle. Anonymous.
- Aristotle From Scott Moore.
- Aristotle's Political Philosophy. From Clifford Bates, Jr. Annoying music.
- Augustine. From James J. O'Donnell.
- Michael Bakunin. From the Anarchy Archives.
- Karl Barth. From Katharena Eiermann.
- Georges Bataille. Archive of a mailing list.
- Jean Baudrillard. Archive of a mailing list.
- Jean Baudrillard. From Alan Taylor.
- Pierre Bayle. From Gianluca Mori.
- Cesare Beccaria. From Giuseppe Bonghi. In Italian.
- Walter Benjamin. From Scott J. Thompson.
- Jeremy Bentham. From Jonathan Harris.
- Nicholai Aleksandrovich Berdyaev. From Dirk H. Kelder. Also see the related Berdyaev Online Library from Fr. Stephen Janos.
- Bergson. From Jordi Cortés. In Spanish.
- Berkeley. From Peter Lloyd.
- Jakob Boehme. From Edward Beach.
- Jakob Boehme. From Bruce Janz.
- Boethius. From James J. O'Donnell.
- Bernard Bolzano. From Francesco Coniglione.
- C. D. Broad. From Andrew Chrucky.
- Giordano Bruno. From John Kessler.
- Martin Buber. From Andreas Schmidt. In German. There is also an abridged English version.
- Gustavo Bueno. From the the Fundación Gustavo Bueno.
- Edmund Burke. From J.H. Smeenge.
- Albert Camus. From Jorge Luis Rodríguez Gutiérrez. In Portuguese.
- Albert Camus. From Christopher Scott Wyatt.
- Noam Chomsky Archive. From Tom Lane.
- Alonzo Church Archive
- Leon Chwistek. From Francesco Coniglione.
- Cicero. From Andrew Riggsby.
- E. M. Cioran. From Evan Goodwin.
- E. M. Cioran. From Donald W. Taylor II. This site has disappeared without a trace. Can anyone help locate it?
- August Comte and Positivism. From Emmanuel Lazinier and Eric Dupuis. Mostly in French so far, but more English portions are forthcoming.
- Confucius. Anonymous.
- Anne Conway. From Peter King.
- Anne Conway. From Bill Uzgalis.
- Critical Theory Archives. Archive of a mailing list.
- Donald Davidson. From Vlaldimer Kalugin.
- Donald Davidson. From Volker Meurer.
- Simone de Beauvoir. From Mélanie Garneau.
- Simone de Beauvoir. From Christopher Scott Wyatt.
- Gilles Deleuze. From Richard Pinhas. In French.
- Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari. Archive of a mailing list.
- Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari. From Stephen O'Connell and Graham Jones.
- Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari. From Alan Taylor.
- Daniel Dennett. His home page at Tufts University.
- Jacques Derrida. From Peter Krapp.
- Jacques Derrida. From Timothy R.S.Leuers.
- Jacques Derrida. From Horacio Potel. In Castilian.
- John Dewey. From David Hildebrand.
- John Dewey. From William Marmie.
- John Dewey. From John Shook.
- Diogenes of Sinope. From Colin Pringle.
- Herman Dooyeweerd. From the Dooyeweerd Centre at Redeemer College, Ancaster, Ontario.
- Emile Durkheim. From Robert Alun Jones. Very well done.
- Meister Eckhart. From the Eckhart Society.
- Meister Eckhart. From Steve Shanks.
- Jonathan Edwards. From Mark Trigsted.
- Jon Elster. From Hans O. Melberg.
- Emerson. Under construction. Also available in Italian. From Roberto Piccoli. Annoying music.
- Frederick Engels. From the Marx/Engels Internet Archive.
- Epicurus and Epicureanism. From Vincent Cook.
- Erasmus
- Ludwig Feuerbach. From Andreas Schmidt. In German.
- Paul Feyerabend. Archive of a mailing list.
- Ludwig Fleck. From Francesco Coniglione.
- Henry Flynt. From John Berndt.
- Michel Foucault. Archive of a mailing list.
- Michel Foucault. From Ben Attias.
- Michel Foucault. From Clare O'Farrell.
- Michel Foucault. From Patrick Jennings.
- Frankfurt School. Archive of a mailing list.
- Gottlob Frege. From Werner Stelzner.
- Gottlob Frege. From Edward Zalta.
- Sigmund Freud. From the Austrian National Tourist Office.
- Sigmund Freud. From Marc Fonda.
- Sigmund Freud. From PsicoNet. In Spanish.
- Freud and the Freud Archives. From The Abraham A. Brill Library of the New York Psychoanalytic Institute.
- Jakob Friedrich Fries. From Kelley Ross. Also see The Friesian School.
- R. Buckminster Fuller. From Kirby Urner.
- Hans-Georg Gadamer. From Etsuro Makita.
- Gandhi. From Lesslie Williams.
- Ernest Gellner. From Jeffrey Cormier and Philippe Couton.
- Arnold Geulincx. From Han van Ruler.
- Kurt Gödel. Correcting commonly heard mistakes and simplifications. From Torkel Franzen.
- Kurt Gödel. From Hollis Marek.
- William Godwin. From the Anarchy Archives.
- Emma Goldman. From the Anarchy Archives.
- Emma Goldman. Anonymous.
- Balthasar Gracian. From Wolke and Dechering.
- Antonio Gramsci. Anonymous.
- Gregory of Nyssa. From David A. Salomon.
- Robert Grosseteste. From James Ginther.
- Jürgen Habermas. Archive of a mailing list.
- Friedrich Hayek. From Greg Ransom.
- Hegel. Archive of a mailing list.
- Hegel. From Paul Ashton.
- Hegel. From Brian Manning Delaney.
- Hegel. From Kai Froeb.
- Hegel. From the Hegel Society of America.
- Hegel. From Stephano Kalb. In Esperanto.
- Hegel. From Shamilto.
- Hegel. From Christopher Scott Wyatt.
- Hegel by Hypertext. From Andy Blunden.
- Heidegger. The Ereignis site from Pete.
- Heidegger. From Christopher Scott Wyatt.
- Hellenistic Philosophy. From Pedro Cuevas. In Spanish.
- Heraclitus. From Giannis Stamatellos.
- Hobbes. From Nicola Caleffi. In Italian. A portion of the site is in English.
- Ulrich Horstmann. From Frank Müller. In German.
- Hume Archives. From Jim Fieser.
- Hume. From D. Tycerium Lightner.
- Hume. From Peter Millican.
- Husserl. Especially in relation to art and architecture. From Parviz Mohassel.
- Husserl Archive. University of Köln.
- The Husserl Database. From Shinji Hamauzu. Also available in Japanese.
- The Husserl Page. From Bob Sandmeyer.
- Husserl. From Christopher Scott Wyatt.
- Husserlian Phenomenology. From Richard Knight.
- Hypatia of Alexandria. From Howard Landman.
- William James. From Marc Fonda.
- William James. From Frank Pajares.
- William James. From Owen Thomas.
- Karl Jaspers. From Christopher Scott Wyatt.
- Thomas Jefferson. From Eyler Robert Coates, Sr.
- C. G. Jung. From Donald Williams.
- Kant. Anonymous. University of Marburg. In German, with a small portion in English.
- Kant. From Richard Lee.
- Kant. From G.J. Mattey.
- Kant. From Stephen Palmquist.
- Kant and German Idealism. From Stephan Huber. Also covers Fichte, Schelling, and Hegel. In German.
- Kierkegaard. From Anders Holt.
- Kierkegaard. From Per Larsen. (Temporarily offline.)
- Kierkegaard. From D. Anthony Storm.
- Kierkegaard. From Julia Watkin.
- Kierkegaard. From Christopher Scott Wyatt.
- J. Krishnamurti. From Dirk Lutzebäck.
- J. Krishnamurti. From Devendra Singh.
- U.G. Krishnamurti. From Anthony Nahas.
- Swami Krishnananda. Anonymous.
- Peter Kropotkin. From the Anarchy Archives.
- Thomas Kuhn. From Tim Healy.
- Lacan. From Peter Krapp.
- Imre Lakatos. Part of the MacTutor History of Mathematics.
- Julien Offray de La Mettrie. From Gruesse von Bernd A. Laska.
- Corliss Lamont. From the Half-Moon Foundation.
- Leibniz Archive
- Leibniz. From Gregory Brown.
- Leibniz. From Paul Lodge.
- Leibniz. From the Metaphysics Research Lab.
- Leibniz. From Markku Roinila.
- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. From the Lenin Internet Archive.
- Stanislaw Lesniewski. From Francesco Coniglione.
- Emmanuel Levinas. From Peter Atterton.
- Alain Locke. From Talmadge Guy.
- John Locke. From Daniel Kian McKiernan.
- Bernard Lonergan. From Paul Allen and Peter L. Monette.
- A.F. Losev. From vt.
- Jan Lukasiewicz. From Francesco Coniglione.
- Jean-Francois Lyotard. Archive of a mailing list.
- Hugh MacColl. From the Nordic Journal of Philosophical Logic.
- Errico Malatesta. From the Anarchy Archives.
- Ernst Mally. From the Metaphysics Research Lab.
- Mao Tse-Tung. From the Marxist Internet Archive.
- Ernst Moses Marcus. From Gerd Hergen Lübben.
- Jacques Maritain. From the Jacques Maritain Center at the University of Notre Dame.
- Karl Marx. From the Marx/Engels Internet Archive.
- Marxism. From Rick Kuhn.
- Marxism. From the Spoon Collective.
- Marxistiskt forum. From Mattias Nilsson. In Swedish.
- George Herbert Mead. From Lloyd Gordon Ward and Robert Throop.
- Alexius Meinong. From the Metaphysics Research Lab. No links.
- Maurice Merleau-Ponty. From Chrisopher Scott Wyatt.
- Mary Midgley. From Nick Matzke.
- Mill. From the Akamac E-Text Links.
- John William Miller. From the Miller Fellowship Fund, Williams College.
- Montaigne. From Bill Uzgalis.
- Ñánavíra Thera. From Jakub Bartovsky.
- Leonard Nelson. From Kelley Ross.
- Nietzsche. Anonymous.
- Nietzsche. Drawing on four pre-existing Nietzsche sites.
- Nietzsche From Jens Dechering. In German.
- Nietzsche. From Kontakt. In German.
- Nietzsche. From Jack Miller.
- Nietzsche. From Horacio Potel. In Castilian.
- Nietzsche. From Douglas Thomas. Searchable. One of the exemplary pages on an individual philosopher.
- Nietzsche. From Christopher Scott Wyatt.
- Michael Oakeshott
- Rudolf Otto. From Gregory Alles.
- Rudolf Otto. From Kelley Ross.
- Parmenides of Elea. From Allan Randall.
- Jan Patocka. From the Institute for Human Sciences (Vienna).
- Charles Sanders Peirce. From Brian Kariger.
- Charles Sanders Peirce. From Joseph Ransdell.
- Alvin Plantinga. From Michael Sudduth.
- Plato. From José María Filgueiras Nodar. In Spanish.
- Plato. From Christopher Planeaux.
- Plato and his Dialogues. From Bernard Suzanne.
Exploring Plato's Dialogues. Hypertext editions of Plato's middle dialogues with footnote commentary by Anthony Beavers and others. Superb searching apparatus for primary and secondary sources.
- The Karl Popper Web. From Ray Scott Percival.
- Presocratics. From Giannis Stamatellos. Also available in Greek.
- Pierre-Joseph Proudhon. From the Anarchy Archives.
- Pseudo-Epicurus. From Keith Schengili-Roberts.
- Hilary Putnam. From Alberto Gazzola. Also available in Italian.
- Willard van Orman Quine. From Douglas Boynton Quine.
- Wilhelm Reich. From Bernd Laska.
- Thomas Reid
- Jakob Friedrich Reiff. From Dirk Fetzer. In German.
- Franz Rosenzweig. From Arnold Betz.
- Rousseau. From Melissa Butler.
- Bertrand Russell From Cosma Shalizi.
- Bertrand Russell Archives. From McMaster University.
- George Santayana. From T.P. Davis.
- George Santayana. From Herman J. Saatkamp, Jr.
- Jean-Paul Sartre. From Denchu Jose Decino.
- Jean-Paul Sartre From Donald Robertson.
- Jean-Paul Sartre. From J.P. Morvan. In French.
- Jean-Paul Sartre. From Paul Vincent Spade.
- Jean-Paul Sartre. From Christopher Scott Wyatt.
- Max Scheler. From Manfred Frings.
- Schopenhauer. From Blase Harris.
- Scotism and Scotus. From the Jacques Maritain Center.
- Wilfrid Sellars. From Andrew Chrucky.
- Seneca. From José María Filgueiras Nodar. In Spanish.
- Peter Singer. From Pablo Stafforini.
- Thoralf Skolem. From the Nordic Journal of Philosophical Logic.
- Socrates. An ad for a book but also a set of links to sites on Socrates. From Anthony Gottlieb.
- Socrates. From Classical Political Theorists.
- Spinoza. Anonymous. Also available in German and Russian.
- SpinozaWeb. From Santiago Barona.
- Spinoza. From Ron Bombardi.
- Spinoza. From Lidie Koeneman.
- Spinoza Net. From the Spinoza Research Center.
- Spinoza. From Joseph Yesselman.
- Rudolf Steiner. From James Stewart.
- Stoics on the Web. From D.J.H. Moore.
- Max Stirner. From H. Ibrahim Türkdogan.
- Max Stirner. From Gruesse von Bernd A. Laska.
- Max Stirner. From Svein Olav Nyberg. Also see the Egoist Archive.
- Emanual Swedenborg. From Leon James.
- Emanuel Swedenborg. From The New Earth.
- Thales. From Giannis Stamatellos.
- Ignaz Paul Vital Troxler. From Hans U. Iselin.
- Alan Turing. From Andrew Hodges.
- Miguel de Unamuno. From Joshua Black. In Spanish.
- Bas van Fraassen. His personal page at Princeton.
- Ulrich Verster. From J. Rousset.
- Giambattista Vico. From Giorgio Pinton.
- Voltaire. From F. DeVenuto.
- Alan Watts. From Rudra.
- Simone Weil. From riverText.
- Whitehead. From Richard Lubbock.
- Whitehead. From the Alexandria Society. Under construction.
- The Wittgenstein Archives. University of Bergen.
- Wittgenstein. From Frank Börncke.
- Wittgenstein. From Brian Carver.
- Wittgenstein. From John Siebenbaum.
- F.J.E. Woodbridge. From James Woodbridge.
- Arthur M. Young. From Arthur Bloch.
- Peter Wessel Zapffe. Norwegian existential philosopher. In Norwegian. An English version is forthcoming.
- Xavier Zubiri. From Thomas Fowler.
- Xavier Zubiri. From Roberto Hernáez. In Spanish.
- Zeno of Kitium. The stoic, not the Parmenidean paradoxist.
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Philosophical Topics |
Also see the sections on Bibliographies and Miscellaneous philosophy sites.
For topics not on this list, try the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, and/or the Hippias search engine.
- Academic Dialogue on Applied Ethics. Specific topics scheduled for public, interactive discussion on certain dates. From Carnegie-Mellon University's Center for the Advancement of Applied Ethics.
- Actualism. From Paul Martin.
- Advayavada Buddhism. From John Willemsens.
Aesthetics On-Line. From Dominic M. McIver Lopes.
- African and African-American History of Ideas. With an emphasis on philosophy. From Melaku Tadesse.
- African Philosophy. From Bruce Janz.
- African Philosophy. From J. Maybee.
- Africana Philosophy and Philosophers of African Descent. A guide to print and electronic resources. From the University of Pennsylvania Library.
- Agnosticism and Atheism. From Edited by Austin Cline.
- American Political Thought. From Hugh Singerline.
- American Philosophy. Site for an ambitious publishing project on the history of American thought from Thoemmes Press. Already includes an extensive collection of web resources.
- Analytic. Home page of a moderated mailing list on analytic philosophy, including an archive of postings. From Rodrigo Vanegas.
- Analytic Philosophy Central. From Shannon Mauldin.
Anarchy Archives. From Dana Ward. Thorough coverage of figures, issues, history, and web resources.
- Ancient Philosophy home page. From Y. Kaneko.
- Animal Rights. From Allen Schubert.
- Animal Rights Law Center. Rutgers University School of Law.
- Anthropic Principle. From Nick Bostrom.
- Applied Ethics Resources on WWW. From the Centre for Applied Ethics, University of British Columbia.
- Aristotle's Political Philosophy. From Clifford Angell Bates, Jr. Annoying music.
- Artificial Intelligence. From Jonathan Bowen.
- Artificial Intelligence. From Yossi Mamroud.
- Artificial Intelligence. From Peter Suber.
- Artificial Life Online. From MIT Press.
- Atheism. From Mark Humphrys.
- Atheist links. From Fredrik Bendz.
- Autopoiesis. From Kent Palmer.
- Autopoiesis. "The Observer Web" from Randall Whitaker.
- Bioethics. From MedWeb at Emory University. Comprehensive list of links.
- Bioethics. From the National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature.
- Bioethics. From Bioethics Forum, Princeton University.
- Bioethics Discussion Pages. Moderated by Maurice Bernstein (M.D.).
- BioethicsLine. From the Journal of the American Medical Association. Searchable.
- BioethicsLine. From the Kennedy Institute of Ethics and the National Library of Medicine.
- Bioethics Links. From the MacLean Center for Clinical Medical Ethics, University of Chicago.
- Bioethics Online Service. Medical College of Wisconsin.
- Bioethics Resources. From the Center for Bioethics, University of Pennsylvania.
- Biomedical Ethics: Readings on the Internet. An electronic anthology edited by Roger Rigterink.
- Biomedical Ethics Bookmarks. From Jeff McLaughlin.
- Business Ethics. From the Centre for Applied Ethics.
- Category Theory. From Luca Mauri.
- Civil Society. From Tom Bridges.
- Communitarianism. From Dario Zanon.
- Complexity. From Bruce Edmonds.
- Complexity and Artificial Life. From Chris Lucas and CALResCo.
- Computer Ethics. From Meng Weng Wong.
- Conceptual Metaphor home page. From Alan Schwartz. Based on the work of George Lakoff.
- Consciousness. From David Chalmers.
- Consciousness Studies. From Stephen Jones.
- Consciousness Studies. From Peter Lloyd.
Contemporary Continental Philosophy. From Scott Moore.
Contemporary Philosophy, Critical Theory and Postmodern Thought. From Martin Ryder. A thorough list of links.
Continental Philosophy. From Bruce Janz. Focusing on the 19th and 20th centuries.
- Continental Philosophy. From Mark Paterson.
- Critical Theory. Archive of a mailing list.
- Critical Theory. From Douglas Kellner and Byron Hawk.
- Critical Theory. From George Landow.
- The Critical Thinking Community. Resources for colleges and primary/secondary schools.
- Cultural Theory. From Geoffrey Sauer.
- Culture and Critical Theory. From Gregory Eiselein.
- Cybermind. Archive of a mailing list.
- DeathNet. From the Right to Die Society of Canada.
- Deconstruction on the Net. From Kevin Sawad Brooks.
- Deism. From the World Union of Deists.
- Diagrammatic Reasoning. From Michael Anderson.
- Ecofeminism. From Danna Polk.
- Ecology of Mind. From Vincent Kelly.
- Eighteenth Century Resources in Philosophy. From Jack Lynch.
- Engineering Ethics. From Robert Tillerson.
- Engineering and Computing Ethics. From Joseph Herkert.
- Environmental Ethics. From Eugene Hargrove.
- Epistemology. From Keith DeRose.
- Epistemology, Consciousness, and the Mind. A good collection of links from the Sputnik Drug Information Zone, especially strong in cognitive science.
- Ethical Issues in Professional Life. Online supplement to a video course. From Nebraska ETV Network, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
- Ethical Questions in Dentistry. From John Zimmerman.
- Ethics. Institutes and resources mostly from Canada. Contains a useful index of books for sale organized by ethical topic.
- Ethics and the Internet. For a course at Duke by Wendy Robinson.
- Ethics and the News Media. From Dave Sidwell.
- Ethics in Science. From Brian Tissue.
- Ethics of Belief. From A. J. Burger.
- Ethics of Teaching. Anonymous.
- Ethics on the World Wide Web. From the California State University, Fullerton, School of Communication.
- Ethics Resources on the Net. From DePaul University.
Ethics Updates. From Lawrence Hinman. Updates on current ethics literature. Very thorough and well organized.
Ethics. From Paul Martin Lester. Thorough and searchable.
- Euthanasia. Extensive. Also available in French and Spanish.
- Evolution, Complexity, and Philosophy. From Hans-Cees A.M. Speel.
- Existentialism. From Indira Montoya.
- Existentialism. From "Sartre".
Existentialism. From Christopher Scott Wyatt.
- Existential Nihilism
- Existential Psychology. No links.
- Existentialism-Phenomenology. From Victor Barbetti.
- Feminist Theory. From the University of Iowa libraries.
- Feminist Theory. From Kristin Switala. Multidisciplinary. Jump to the sectionsn on philosophy, epistemology, and ethics. Also available in French and Spanish.
- Free-Market Libertarianism. From Free-Market.Net.
- Freethought, Atheism, and Evolution Links. From rpcman.
- The Freethought Page. From Phillip Moon.
- Fuzzy Logic Page. From the Quadralay Corporation.
- Genetics and Ethics. From Bryn Williams-Jones.
- Genetics and Public Issues. From the National Center for Genome Resources.
- GeoEthics (geographical ethics). From William S. Lynn.
- Hedonism. From David Pearce. Less on the philosophy of hedonism than on the thing itself.
- History and Philosophy of Science and Mathematics. University of Liverpool.
- History of Economic Thought. From McMaster University. Covers such philosophers as Bentham, Berkeley, Hobbes, Hume, Marx, and Mill.
- History of Science, Technology, and Medicine. From Tim Sherratt.
- History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science. From Orin Thomas.
- Humanism. From Mark Willey.
- Human Rights. From ForInt Law.
- Human Rights Resources. From Stephen Hansen and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
- Imagination, Mental Imagery, Consciousness, and Cognition. From Nigel J.T. Thomas.
- Indian Philosophy. From Shrikanth.
- Indian Philosophy and Buddhist Studies. Anonymous.
- Indian Philosophy and Religion. From sarada.
- Information Technology Ethics. From Bashir Jiwani.
- Intercultural Philosophy. From Polylog. Also available in German and Spanish.
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Edited by James Fieser. An ambitious, searchable online encyclopedia. It welcomes articles from professional philosophers.
- Internet Ethics. A course by Wendy Robinson at Duke University, with a page of relevant links.
- Journalism Ethics. From EthicNet.
- Legal Ethics. From Cornell Law School's Legal Information Institute.
- Legal Ethics. From
- Liberal Empiricism. (Offline, I hope temporarily.)
- Logic. From Avi Sion.
- Logic. From Peter Suber.
- Logic. From Uwe Wiedemann. Mostly history of logic. In German.
- Logic and Set Theory. From Martin Flashmann.
- Logic, Language, and Reasoning Web Space. Department of Computing, Imperial College.
- LogicAL. Many links to sites devoted to logic, especially in relation to philosophy and artificial life.
- Mathematical Logic Around the World. From the Mathematical Logic Group at the University of Bonn.
- Mediaeval Logic and Philosophy. From Paul Vincent Spade.
- Medical Ethics. European Database on Medical Ethics. To search for medical and bioethical literature.
- Memetics
- Metaphor: From Plato to the Postmodernists. From Erica Jean Seidel.
- Metapsychology. From Christian Perring. A column in Perspectives reviewing books on "philosophical, ethical, and historical issues in mental health."
- Military Ethics. Professional ethics in the military. From the Joint Services Conference on Professional Ethics.
- Mind and Body, From Descartes to William James. From Robert Wozniak.
- Mind/Brain Resources. From Valerie Gray Hardcastle.
- Modern Political Theory. From Charles Helm.
- Mysticism. From Bruce Janz.
- Mysticism. From Deb Platt.
- Neohumanism. From John Stevenson.
- Neopragmatism. From David Hildebrand.
- Neuroscience and philosophy. From Pete Mandik.
- New Foundations home page. From Randall Holmes.
- Nineteenth Century Philosophy Home Page. Created by G.J. Mattey for a course at University of California at Davis. Still under construction.
- Non-Cartesian Cognitive Science. From Ronald Lemmen.
- Nonviolence and Peacemaking. From Gray Cox.
- Objectivity. From Pete Mandik.
- Descriptive and Formal Ontology. From Raul Corazzon.
- Ontology. From Enrico Franconi.
- Ontology. From Doug Skuce.
- Pancritical Rationalism. (Offline, I hope temporarily.)
- Person and Self. From Shaun Gallagher.
- Perspectivism. From Onar Åm.
- Phenomenology-Existentialism. Links to major figures from both movements. Opening page in Italian; most links to English-language sites. From Salvatore Manai. Annoying music.
- Philosophical Anthropology. From the Verulam Institute of Human Studies.
- Philosophical Counseling. See the section on this under Miscellany.
- Philosophy and Computing. Links relevant to his book of the same title, from Luciano Floridi.
- Philosophy of Education. Links to relevant literature, from Frank Edler.
- Philosophy of Education. From the Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Education. Also available in Portuguese.
- Philosophy of Education. From Paulo Ghiraldelli Jr. and Pedro Angelo Pagni. In Portuguese.
- Philosophy of History Archive. From Nikolai S. Rozov.
- Philosophy of Mind. From Duke University.
- Philosophy of Mind. From Marco Nani and Massimo Marraffa.
- Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science. From Joe Lau.
- Philosophy of Physics. From Oxford University.
- Philosophy of Religion. From Scott Moore.
- Philosophy of Religion. From Michael Sudduth.
- Philosophy of Science. From Bruce Janz.
- Philosophy of Sport. From Andy Miah.
- Philosophy of Technology. Links to relevant literature, from Frank Edler.
- Polish Philosophy. Especially in the 20th century. From Francesco Coniglione.
- Political Philosophy. From Maria Chiara Pievatolo.
- Political Theory. From Charles Helm.
- Political Theory. From J.D.R.
- Political Theory and Political Philosophy. From James Bolnar.
- Positivism. In the Comtean sense. Mostly in French so far.
- Everything Postmodern. From Greg Broquard.
- Post-Modern Thinking. From pHinnWeb.
- Pragmatism. From John Shook.
- Professional Ethics. From the University of British Columbia Centre for Applied Ethics.
- Progressive Humanism. From Carl Coon.
- Radical Constructivism. From the Austrian Society for Cognitive Science.
- Reasoning. Formal and informal logic. From Bruce Janz.
- Reflexive Social Theory. From Kent Palmer.
- Science as Culture. From Robert Young.
- Science Ethics Resources on the Net. From Vince Hamner and Brian Tissue.
- Science Studies. Anonymous.
- Scientific Pantheism. From Paul Harrison.
- Secular Humanism Web. From the Council for Secular Humanism.
The Secular Web. From the Internet Infidels. Very large and well-organized.
- Self-Reference in Phenomenology and Cognitive Science. From Damjan Bojadziev.
- Semiotics. From Martin Ryder.
- Semiotics. A list of links compiled by the journal, Applied Semiotics / Sémiotique appliquée.
- Semiotics for Beginners. From Daniel Chandler.
- Sensation and Perception Links. From William Marmie.
- Set Theory. From Luis Sanchis.
- Skepticism: Sources of Skeptical Information on the Internet. Skepticism qua the debunking of paranormal claims, not qua the teachings of Pyrrho and his followers.
- The Skeptic's Refuge. Another large site (like the previous one) dedicated to debunking the paranormal. From Bob Carroll.
- Skepticism. From Sergio Salles. In Portuguese. Soon to be translated into English.
- Social Cognition. From Eliot Smith.
- Sociology of Knowledge. From Martin Ryder.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Edited by Edward N. Zalta. A growing, online encyclopedia. Very impressive.
- Stoicism. From William Connolly.
- Stoicism. From Jan Garrett.
- Synchronicity. From Patricia Barlow-Irick and Steven Hladkyj.
- Synergetics. From Kirby Urner.
- Systematic Ideology. From Trevor Blake.
- Taoism. From Mr. Sage.
- Taoism. From Gene Thursby.
- Taoist Resource Center. Anonymous.
- Teaching Ethics in Public Schools. From Dean Waldfogel.
- Theology. From Oliver May.
- Transhumanism. From Nick Bostrom.
- Trinityism. From Edward Bartek.
- The Turing Test. From Pinar Saygin.
- Twelfth Century Logic. From Iwakuma Yukio.
- The Upanishads. From Sreedhar Chintalapaty.
- Utilitarianism. From Dan Bonevac and Paul Lyon.
- Void and Emptiness. From Albert Ribas. Also available in Spanish and Catalan.
- The Wisdom Page. From Copthorne Macdonald.
- Women and Philosophy. From Margaret Porter. A section within the larger Women and Gender Studies Web Sites.
- Zombies. From David Chalmers.
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Philosophical Associations and Societies |
Also see the sections on Journals and Projects
- The Aberdeen Centre for Philosophy Technology and Society. University of Aberdeen.
- Aberdeen University Philosophy Society. A student organization.
- The Academy of Humanism
- African Americans for Humanism
- Akademie für Ethik in der Medizin. Göttingen University. A part of the page is in English.
- The Alexandria Society
- Alliance of Secular Humanist Societies
- American Association of Bioethics
- American Association of Philosophy Teachers
- American Atheists
- American Bioethics Network
- American Catholic Philosophical Association
- American Humanist Association
- American Indian Philosophy Association
- American Nihilism Association
American Philosophical Association
- American Philosophical Practitioners Association On philosophical counseling.
- American Society for Aesthetics. University of Louisville.
- American Society for Philosophy, Counseling, and Psychotherapy
- American Society of Law, Medicine and Ethics. St. Louis University.
- Anthroposophical Society
- Applied Research Ethics National Association (ARENA)
- Arbeitsgruppe Phänomenologie und neuere französische Philosophie
- Artificial Intelligence Societies and Organizations Directory. A wide-ranging collection of links.
- Association des Amis de Spinoza
- Asociación Filosófica de México
- Association for the Advancement of Philosophy and Psychiatry
- Association for the Foundations of of Science, Language, and Cognition
- Association for Practical and Professional Ethics. Indiana University at Bloomington.
- Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness
- Association for the Study of Persons
- Association for Symbolic Logic
- Association of Chinese Philosophers in America
- Associazione di Logica, Epistemologia, Filosofia. Student association at the University of Bologna.
- The Atheist Centre. Vijayawada, India.
- The Atheist Foundation of Australia
- The Atheist Society of Australia
- The Augustine Institute for Ethics. Part of the Center for the Advancement of Paleo Orthodoxy (CAPO).
- Australasian Association for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Science. University of New South Wales.
- Australasian Association for Process Thought
- Australasian Association of Philosophy
- Australian Association of Professional and Applied Ethics
- The Australian Group. The Australasian Branch of The Philosophical Society of England.
- Australasian Philosophy Postgraduates
- Australasian Society for Continental Philosophy
- Austrian Center of Philosophy With Children. Also available in German.
- The Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society
- The Bacon Center for Ethics in Business. Iowa State University.
- The Bakhtin Centre. University of Sheffield.
- Baptist Association of Philosophy Teachers
- Bioethics Network of Ohio. Contains helpful sub-pages on bioethics in the academic literature and bioethics in the news.
- Brisbane Philosophy Society.
- British Logic Colloquium
- The British Lonergan Association
- British Society for Aesthetics
- British Society for Ethical Theory
- British Society for the History of Philosophy
- British Society for Philosophical Counselling
- British Society for Philosophy of Science
- Business Ethics Teaching Society. University of Southern Indiana School of Business.
- Cambridge Centre for Hermeneutic and Analytic Philosophy. Jointly sponsored by the Philosophy Division of Anglia Polytechnic University and the Department of History and Philosophy of Science of Cambridge University.
- Canadian Jacques Maritain Association
- Canadian Philosophical Association. Also available in French.
- Canadian Society for Aesthetics
- Canadian Society for Computational Study of Intelligence
- Canadian Society for Hermeneutics and Postmodern Thought. University of Calgary.
- Canadian Society for History and Philosophy of Mathematics
- Canadian Society for History and Philosophy of Science
- Canadian Society for Philosophical Practice. On philosophical counseling.
- Canadian Society for the Study of Practical Ethics. Also available in French.
- Canadian Society for Women in Philosophy
- Carleton University Philosophy Society. Student philosophy organization at Carleton University, Ottawa.
- Centre de Logique et de Philosophie des Sciences
- Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology. Site contains scanned tables of contents of relevant books and journals.
- Center for the Advancement of Applied Ethics. Carnegie-Mellon University.
- Center for the Advancement of Ethics. University of Wyoming.
- Center for Applied Christian Ethics. Wheaton College.
- Centre for Applied Ethics. University of British Columbia.
- Centre for Applied Ethics. Hong Kong Baptist University.
- Centre for Applied Ethics. Nijenrode University.
- Centre for Applied Ethics. University of Stellenbosch.
- Center for Applied and Professional Ethics. California State University at Chico.
- Center for Applied and Professional Ethics. Missouri State University.
- Centre for Applied Sport Philosophy and Ethics Research
- Center for Bioethics. University of Minnesota.
- Center for Bioethics. University of Pennsylvania.
- Center for Bioethics. University of Pittsburgh.
- Center for Bioethics and Law. Parc Científic de Barcelona. Also available in Spanish and Catalan.
- Center for Biomedical Ethics. Case Western Reserve University.
- Center for Clinical Ethics and Humanities in Health Care. University of Buffalo.
- Center for Critical Thinking
- Center for Dewey Studies. Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.
- Center for Environmental Philosophy. University of North Texas.
- Center for Ethics. Chowan College.
- Center for Ethics in Health Care. Oregon Health Sciences University.
- Center for Ethics in Public Policy and the Professions. Emory University.
- Centre for Meaning and Metaphysical Studies. University of Hertfordshire.
- Center for Medical Ethics and Health Policy. Baylor College of Medicine.
- Centre for the Mind. Museum of Sydney.
- Centre for Modern European Philosophy. Middlesex University.
- Centre for Philosophical Studies. King's College.
- Center for Philosophy and Ethics of Science. University of Hanover. Also available in German.
- Center for Philosophy and History of Science. Boston University.
- Centre for Philosophy and Phenomenological Studies California State University, Dominguez Hills.
- Centre for the Philosophy of the Natural and Social Sciences. London School of Economics.
- Center for the Philosophy of Nature and Science Studies. University of Copenhagen.
- Center for Philosophy of Religion. University of Notre Dame.
- Center for Philosophy of Science. University of Pittsburgh.
- Centre for Political Thought. Cracow. Also available in Polish and Ukranian.
- Centre for Practical Philosophy. Middlesex University.
- Center for Process Studies. Claremont School of Theology.
- Center for Professional and Applied Ethics. University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
- Center for Professional and Applied Ethics. Valdosta State University.
- Centre for Research Ethics. University of Gothenburg.
- Centre for Research in Philosophy and Literature
- Center for Research on Concepts and Cognition. Indiana University, Bloomington.
- Center for Science and Technology Policy and Ethics. Texas A&M University.
- Center for the Study of Ethics. Utah Valley State College.
- Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions. Illinois Institute of Technology.
- Center for the Study of the Great Ideas. Founded by Mortimer J. Adler and Max Weismann.
- Center for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI). Stanford University.
- Centre for Thomistic Studies. Sydney, Australia.
- Center for Utopian Studies. Ohio University.
- Centre International de Recherche Interdisciplinaire en Psychiatrie. The page is in English.
- Centro de Lógica, Epistemologia e História da Ciência. Universidade Estadual de Campinas. In Portuguese. Also available in English.
- Cognitive Science Society. University of Pittsburgh.
- The R. G. Collingwood Society. University of Wales at Swansea.
- Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal
- Computational Epistemology Lab. University of Waterloo.
- Council for Secular Humanism
- Dallas Philosopher's Forum
- Deuteros Plous. Università Cattolica of Milano. Directed by Giovanni Reale and Roberto Radice. In Italian.
- Drew University Philosophical Society. A student organization.
- Eckhart Society
- Enactivism Research Group. University of Alberta.
- Ethics Center for Engineering and Science. Case Western Reserve University.
- Ethics Practitioners Association of Canada
- Ethics Resource Center
- Eubios Ethics Institute. Christchurch, New Zealand, and Tsukuba Science City, Japan.
- European Association for Logic, Language, and Information
- European Business Ethics Network
- European Institute for Business Ethics
- European Society for Analytic Philosophy
- Evangelical Philosophical Society
- Federation of Australasian Philosophy for Children Associations
- Fédération Internationale des Sociétées de Philosophie
- Foundation for the Advancement of Post-Rationalist Studies. Under construction.
- Fundació Krishnamurti Latino Americana
- Gay and Lesbian Atheists and Humanists
- Gesellschaft für Analytische Philosophie
- Gesellschaft für interkulturelle Philosophie. Society for Intercultural Philosophy. In German, but also presents information in English and French.
- Kurt Gödel Society
- Graduate Student Philosophy Society. Student organization at the University of Florida.
- Gruppe Phänomenologie. "Society for the Advancement of the Reception and the Critical Development of Phenomenology and of Its Impulses."
- The Robert S. Hartmann Institute for Formal and Applied Axiology
- Hegel Society of America
- The History of Economics Society. The collected links cover a number of philosophers and philosophical topics.
- History of Philosophy of Science Working Group
- History of Science Society
- Hoffberger Center for Professional Ethics. University of Baltimore.
- Humanist Association of Canada
- Humanist Association of Ottawa
- Hume Society
- Hungarian Philosophical Association. Also available in English.
- Husserl Circle
- Indiana University Logic Group
- Institut für mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik. In Freiburg.
- Institut für mathematische Logik und Grundlagenforschung. In Münster.
- Institut für Philosophie. University of Karlsruhe. Also available in English.
- Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children. Montclair State University.
- Institute for Applied and Professional Ethics. Ohio State University.
- Institute for Axiological Research. Vienna. Annoying music.
- Institute for Business and Professional Ethics. DePaul University.
- Institute for Ethics and Policy Studies. University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
- Institute for Global Ethics. Camden, Maine.
- Institute for Humane Studies. For undergraduate and graduate students interested in individual liberty.
- Institute for Jewish Medical Ethics. Hebrew Academy of San Francisco.
- Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation. In Amsterdam.
- Institute for Philosophical Pleasure. Undergraduate philosophy club at Lewis & Clark College.
- Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy
- Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory. In Belgrade.
- Institute for Studies in Pragmatism. Texas Tech University.
- Institute for the Study of Applied and Professional Ethics. Dartmouth University.
- Institute for the Study of Civic Values
- Institute of Medicine, Law, and Ethics. University of Liverpool.
- Institute of Practical Philosophy. At Malaspina University-College.
- The Institute of St.Thomas. "Centre of High Medieval and Thomistic Research and Studies." In Rome.
- Institute Vienna Circle. "Society for the Advancement of the Scientific World Conception." Also available in German.
- Instituto de Filosofía. Madrid. In Spanish.
- Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. In Spanish.
- Instituto di Teoria e Storia delle Idee. From Giuseppe Modica. In Italian.
- Interest Group in Pure and Applied Logics. Imperial College, London.
- International Association for Computing and Philosophy
- International Association for Greek Philosophy.
- International Association for Philosophical Counseling
- International Association for Philosophy and Literature
- International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy
- International Association for Philosophy of Sport
- International Association of Empirical Aesthetics. University of Maine.
- International Association of Women Philosophers
- International Berkeley Society
- International Business Ethics Institute. Washington, D.C.
- International Center for Greek Philosophy and Culture
- The International Humanist and Ethical Union
- International Network of Philosophers of Education
- International Society for Environmental Ethics
- International Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology
- International Society for Intellectual History
- International Society for the Study of Argumentation
- International Society for Utilitarian Studies
- International Society of Business, Economics, and Ethics
- International Stoic Society
- Internationale Max Scheler Gesellschaft
- Internet Academy of Philosophy. So far just another name for the philosophy department at Mesa Community College.
- Internet Philosophy Society
- Israel Society for Philosophical Practice and Counseling
- Italian Society of Logic and Philosophy of Sciences. The page is in both Italian and English.
- The William James Society
- The Japan Internet Center for Process Studies. Mejiro Women's College. Also available in Japanese
- The Japan Popper Society
- John J. Reilly Center for Science, Technology, and Values. Notre Dame University.
- Josephson Institute of Ethics
- Kegley Institute of Ethics. California State University at Bakersfield.
- Kennedy Institute of Ethics. Georgetown University.
- Søren Kierkegaard Society of Australia
- Krishnamurti Foundation of America
- Laboratory for Applied Logic
- Leibniz Society of North America
- Levinas Center. University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
- Limerick Philosophical Society. Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick.
- Lincoln Center for Applied Ethics. Arizona State University.
- Alain Leroy Locke Society
- The Lonergan Philosophical Society
- The Lonergan Research Institute. University of Toronto.
- The Los Angeles Lonergan Center. Loyola Marymount University.
- Rosa-Luxemburg-Institut. In German. A portion of the page is in English.
- MacLean Center for Clinical Medical Ethics. University of Chicago. Contains a good page of links.
- Jacques Maritain Center. University of Notre Dame.
- Mauritian Institute. Tallinn, Estonia.
- Markkula Center for Applied Ethics. Santa Clara University. Large and well-organized collection of ethics links, including a valuable journal and articles database.
- Massachusetts Undergraduate Philosophy Club
- Mathematical Logic Group. University of Bonn.
- Máthesis. "Investigaciones en Filosofia Antigua."
- Medical Ethics Resource Network of Michigan. Michigan State University.
- Metaphysics Research Lab. Stanford University.
- Midwest Philosophy of Education Society
- Minnesota Center for the Philosophy of Science. University of Minnesota.
- Morris Institute for Human Values. Wilmington, N.C.
- MU Philosophy Club. Student organization at University of Missouri.
- National Bioethics Advisory Commission. Part of the National Institutes of Health.
- National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature. Georgetown University.
- The New Acropolis. An international association of cultural organizations dedicated to creating a school of philosophy "in the classical tradition".
- New Banner Institute
- New England Philosophy of Education Society
- New Philosophy Society. Student organization at the University of Edinburgh.
- Friedrich Nietzsche Society
- North American Fichte Society
- North American Kant Society
- North American Nietzsche Society
- North Carolina Philosophical Society. Davidson College.
- Northern Moral Sciences Club. Student philosophy organization at Northern Illinois University.
- Norwegian Søren Kierkegaard Society
- Norwegian Secular Humanists
- Norwegian Society for Philosophical Practice. On philosophical counseling. Also available in Norwegian.
- Michael Oakeshott Association
- Olsson Center for Applied Ethics. Darden Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Virginia.
- Online Center for the Cognitive Science of Metaphor. University of Oregon.
- Online Ethics Center for Engineering and Science. Case Western Reserve University. Also available in Spanish.
- Order of Saint Augustine. In German. Also available in English.
- Österreichische Gesellschaft für Phänomenologie. In German.
- Österreichische Gesellschaft für Religionsphilosophie
- Oulu Center for Philosophical Inquiry in Education. Philosophy for children. University of Oulu (Finland). Also available in Finnish.
- Oxford Centre for the Environment, Ethics, and Society. Mansfield College, Oxford.
- The Pascal Centre for Advanced Studies in Faith and Science. Redeemer College, Ancaster, Ontario.
- The Charles S. Peirce Society
- The Philosopher's Den. Undergraduate philosophy association at the University of Texas, Austin.
- Philosopher's Information Center. Publisher of Philosopher's Index.
- Ontario Philosophical Society. University of Windsor.
- PHILOG. "The Danish Network of Philosophical Logic and its Applications."
- Philopsychy Society
- Philosophical Research Society. On the teachings of Manly P. Hall. Mostly occult.
- Philosophical Society of England. Here's another page. The London Group, the Northern Group, and the Australian Group have their own pages.
- The Philosophical Think Tank. The philosophy club at Thiel College.
- Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence Group. King's College, London.
- Philosophy Club. Student organization at Iowa State University.
- The Philosophy Club. Student organization at SUNY, Oneonta.
- Philosophy Documentation Center. Bowling Green State University.
- Philosophy for Children Association of New South Wales
- The Philosophy Foundation
- Philosophy in Britain.
- Philosophy of Education Society
- Philosophy of Science and Technology Club. At CERN. Pages in English and French.
- Philosophy of Science Association
- Philosophy of Science Society, Japan
- Philosophy Society. Student organization at the University of Glasgow.
- Philosophy Society. Student organization at Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick.
- Philosophy Society. Student organization at the University of Warwick.
- The Philosophy Symposium. Student organization at the University of Southern Maine.
- Plain Philosophy Centre. In Vancouver.
- Plato's Cave. Student philosophy organization at Illinois State University.
- Polyhymnia. Student philosophy organization at California Polytechnic State University.
- Pope John Center for the Study of Ethics in Health Care
- Poynter Center for the Study of Ethics and American Institutions. Indiana University.
- The Radical Philosophy Association
- Realia
- Rousseau Association
- The Bertrand Russell Society
- Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute
- Saint Francis College Philosophic Society. A student organization.
- San Diego Association of Secular Humanists
- San Francisco Epicureans
- San Francisco Society for Lacanian Studies
- Society for the Advancement of Philosophical Enquiry and Reflection in Education (SAPERE)
- Scholarly Societies Project List of Philosophical Scholarly Societies
- The Scottish Postgraduate Philosophy Association
- The Semiotic Society of America
- The Senpo Sugihara Asian Bioethics Centre. At the Ben Gurion University of the Negev.
- Skeptics Society Web
- Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center. Duquesne University.
- Social Philosophy and Policy Center. At Bowling Green State University.
- Società Filosofica Italiana
- Società Italiana di Filosofia Analitica.
- Societas Ethica. "European Society for Research in Ethics." The page is in German.
- Société de philosophie du Québec
- Society for Activist Freethought
- Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy
- Society for the Advancement of Philosophical Enquiry and Reflection in Education (SAPERE). Philosophy for and with children.
- Society for Bioethics and Classical Philosophy. "[E]xplores the implications of ancient and medieval insights for contemporary bioethics."
- The Society for Ethics
- Society for Exact Philosophy
- Society for Existential Analysis
- Society for Health and Human Values
- Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy
- Society for Philosophical Inquiry
- Society for Philosophy and Geography
- Society for Philosophy and Psychology
- Society for Philosophy in the Contemporary World
- Society for Social Studies of Science
- Society for the Study of Islamic Philosophy and Science
- Society for Women in Philosophy (SWIP). The Canadian SWIP has a separate page.
- Society of Christian Philosophers. Calvin College.
- Society of Consultant Philosophers
- Society of Humanist Philosophers
- Society of Intercultural Philosophy. Also available in German.
- South African Society for Greek Philosophy and the Humanities
- South Carolina Society for Philosophy
- Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology
- The Spinoza Society (Spinoza-Gesellschaft)
- St. Petersburg Centre for the History of Ideas
- Stanford Humanists
- Student Philosophy Association University of Queensland.
- Studentenverband Ethik in der Medizin. Universität Würzburg.
- The Swedenborg Association
- Swedish Secular Humanists
- Swindon Philosophical Society. Swindon, Wiltshire, U.K.
- Swiss Society for Logic and Philosophy of Science
- System of Life Institute
- Taiwan Philosophical Association. Mostly in Chinese.
- Taiwan Super Logos Philosophy Virtual Association. In Chinese.
- Tasmania Philosophy Society. Student organization at the University of Tasmania.
- Tasmanian Association of Philosophy for Children
- Teenage Philosopher's Society
- Tennessee Philosophical Association
- Texas Center for Legal Ethics and Professionalism. In Austin.
- Thomas Instituut te Utrecht
- The Thoreau Society
- Undergraduate Philosophy Association. At the University of Texas at Austin.
- University of Kent Philosophy Society
- University of Pennsylvania Center for Bioethics
- University of St. Andrews Philosophy Club
- Jakob von Uexküll Centre
- Values, Ethics, and Justice Specialty Group Part of the Association of American Geographers.
- Vancouver Island Society for Practical Philosophy
- Vienna Philosophical Bureau
- Virginia Philosophical Association
- Voltaire Foundation
- Voltaire Society of America
- Voluntary Euthanasia Society of Scotland
- Wiener Gesellschaft für interkulturelle Philosophie
- World Federation of Right to Die Societies
- World Transhumanist Association
- Zentrum für Medizinische Ethik. Ruhr-Universität Bochum. A portion of the page is in English.
- Zicklin Center for Business Ethics Research. Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.
- The Xavier Zubiri Foundation of North America
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Philosophy Journals and Newsletters |
Also see the sections on Associations and societies, Mailing lists, Projects, and Preprints
- A Parte Rei. "Revista de Filosofía." The journal of La Sociedad de Estudios Filosóficos (Madrid). Full-text online. In Spanish.
- A2HPS3 Newsletter. A2HPS3 = Australasian Association for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Science. Full-text online.
- Acta Analytica. Only tables of contents and abstracts online.
- Aesthetica. In Italian. Site contains online preprints but no other content.
- Aesthetics On-Line. Electronic version of the American Society for Aesthetics Newsletter. Full-text online.
- African Americans for Humanism Examiner. Selected articles online.
- African Philosophy. No online content (yet).
- Alexandria. "A Journal of Cosmology, Philosophy, Myth, and Culture." Full-text online.
- American Association of Philosophy Teachers Newsletter
- American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly. So far only tables of contents of special issues online. More to come.
- American Philosophical Association Newsletters. Full-text of recent issues online only for APA members. Full-text of selected past volumes online for the general public; more volumes coming.
- Feminism and Philosophy
- Hispanic/Latino Issues in Philosophy
- International Cooperation
- Philosophy and the Black Experience.
- Philosophy and Computers
- Philosophy and Law.
- Philosophy and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Issues
- Philosophy and Medicine
- Teaching Philosophy
- American Philosophical Quarterly. Table of contents of current issue available at another site. Otherwise no online content.
- American Society for Philosophy, Counseling, & Psychotherapy Newsletter. No online content.
- Analysis. Full-text online only for subscribers. For non-subscribers, only tables of contents and abstracts online. There is a separate journal home-page with less online content.
- Analyst. The electronic supplement to the print journal, Analysis.
- Angelaki. "Journal of the Theoretical Humanities." Only tables of contents online.
- Animus. "A Philosophical Journal for our Time." Table of contents and abstracts of current issue online.
- Annals of Pure and Applied Logic. Tables of contents and abstracts online. Full-text accessible for registered subscribers.
- Annual Review of Law and Ethics / Jahrbuch für Recht und Ethik. Only tables of contents online.
- Antithesis. "An interdisciplinary postgraduate journal of criticism, culture and theory." No online content.
- Aporia. For undergraduate students.
- Appraisal. "A Journal of Constructive and Post-Critical Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Studies." Focusing largely but not exclusively on the work of Michael Polanyi. Only tables of contents online.
- Arabic Sciences and Philosophy. "A Historical Journal." Only tables of contents are online.
- Arcana: Inner Dimensions of Spirituality. Quarterly journal of the Swedenborg Association.
- Archive for Mathematical Logic. Tables of contents and abstracts online. Articles from mid-1996 onwards downloadable in two formats, but apparently only for Springer-Verlag account holders.
- Argumentation. "An International Journal of Reasoning." Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Arion. "A Journal of the Humanities and Classics." Only tables of contents and selected articles online.
- Asian Philosophy. Only tables of contents online.
- ASLME Briefings. Newsletter of the American Society for Law, Medicine and Ethics.
- Association for Symbolic Logic Newsletter. Full-text of recent issues online.
- The Atheist. Full-text online.
- Aufklärung und Kritik. "Zeitschrift für freies Denken und humanistische Philosophie." In German. Selected articles online.
- Augustinian Studies. Only the table of contents of the current issue is online.
- Australasian Journal of Philosophy. Only tables of contents online so far.
- Axiomathes. A quarterly journal of philosophy in Central Europe. Only tables of contents online.
- Babel Magazine. "A Literary, Political, and Philosophical Online Magazine."
- Basileus. "An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for the Philosophy of Law." Full-text online.
- Basilisk. "An online journal of film, architecture, philosophy, literature, music, and perception." Full-text online.
- The Bentham Newsletter. Full-text of the present issue, tables of contents of past issues.
- Between the Species: A Journal of Ethics. From the Schweitzer Center of the San Francisco Bay Institute/Congress of Cultures. No online content.
- Bibliothek Philosophie Online. In German. Full-text of selected articles online. This site seems to have disappeared. Can anyone help locate it?
- Bioethics Bulletin. From the University of Alberta Division of Bioethics and the Bioethics Centre.
- Bioethics Bulletin. From the University of Buffalo's Center for Clinical Ethics and Humanities in Health Care.
- Biology and Philosophy. Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Biomedical Ethics. "Newsletter of the European Network for Biomedical Ethics."
- Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter No online content.
- Bridges. "An Interdisciplinary Journal of Theology, Philosophy, History, and Sciences." Only table of contents and abstracts of current issue online.
- British Journal for the History of Philosophy. Only tables of contents online so far.
- British Journal for the Philosophy of Science. No online content.
- British Journal of Aesthetics. No online content.
- British Society for the History of Philosophy Newsletter. Under construction.
- Bulletin de la Société de philosophie du Québec. Abstracts and tables of contents online. In French.
- Bulletin of the Canadian Society for Hermeneutics and Postmodern Thought. University of Calgary.
- Bulletin of the Hume Society. Full-text online.
- Bulletin of Medical Ethics. Only selected articles online.
- Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. Tables of contents online, full-text in Postscript format available for downloading. For another way to organize the Bulletin's content, see David Jones' bibliography.
- Business Ethics: A European Review. Only tables of contents online so far.
- Business Ethics Quarterly. Only the table of contents for the current issue is online.
- Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics. Only tables of contents online so far.
- Canadian Atheist. Full-text online.
- Canadian Journal of Philosophy. Only tables of contents online.
- Cathexis. An electronic journal of philosophy from the student-run Aberdeen University Philosophy Society. Full-text online.
- Christian Bioethics. "Non-Ecumenical Studies in Medical Morality." Tables of contents and abstracts online.
- Cogito. Journal of The Cogito Society. No online content.
- Cognition. "International Journal of Cognitive Science." Tables of contents and abstracts online, full-text downloadable in Acrobat format.
- Colibri. On language, speech, logic, and information. Only event announcements online.
- Common Knowledge. A multidisciplinary journal in philosophy, history, religion, politics, literary theory, art history, and psychoanalysis.
- Community Ethics Newsletter. From the Consortium Ethics Program of the University of Pittsburgh Center for Medical Ethics and the Hospital Council of Western Pennsylvania. Full-text online.
- Computational Intelligence
- Conference. "A Journal of Philosophy and Theory." Full-text online, searchable.
- Connexions. "A Web Journal for Cognitive Scientists." Full-text online.
- Consciousness and Cognition. A journal of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness. Only tables of contents online so far.
- Constellations. "An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory." Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Contemporary Philosophy. "Philosophic Research, Analysis, and Resolution." No online content.
- Continental Philosophy Review. "An International Philosophical Review." Formerly, Man and World. Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Contretemps. "An Online Journal of Philosophy." Full-text online.
- Critical Inquiry. Tables of contents and excerpts online.
- The Critical Rationalist. Full-text online. Each article available in 12 formats (yes, 12).
- Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy. Only abstracts and tables of contents online.
- The Critical Thinker. From the United States Atheists Center for Rational Thought. Past issues downloadable in Acrobat format. No readable online content from back issues.
- Crossings. "A Cyberzine for Philosophy and Culture."
- CTheory. "An international journal of theory, technology and culture." Full-text online.
- Cultural Logic. "An Electronic Journal of Marxist Theory and Practice." Full-text online.
- Cultural Values. Tables of contents and abstracts on the web. Online full-text available to subscribers.
- Cyberphilosophy Journal. An undergraduate journal from the University College of the Cariboo and the University of Alberta. Full-text online.
- Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie. "Zweimonatsschrift der internationalen philosophischen Forschung." Tables of contents online. Only full-text of current issue online.
- Dialegesthai. "Rivista telematica di filosofia." Full-text online. While the front page and most articles are in Italian, it accepts articles in most European languages.
- Dialegesthai. "Philosophical Themes." Full-text online.
- Dialogism. "An International Journal of Bakhtin Studies." No online content.
- Dialogue. "Canadian Philosophical Review / Revue canadienne de philosophie." Only tables of contents online.
- Dianoia. A Liberal Arts Interdisciplinary Journal from Augustana University College.
- Dialectica. From the European Society for Analytic Philosophy. No online content.
- Dialektik. "Enzyklopädische Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Wissenschaften."
- Didascalia. A Journal for Philosophy and Philology from Late Antiquity to the Renaissance.
- Digital Danube Digest. Publishes papers on philosophy and cyberspace. From the University of Vienna.
- Discourse. "An Interdisciplinary Philosophical Journal." For graduate and undergraduate students. Tables of contents online, full-text only of selected articles.
- Disputatio. "A Journal of Philosophy in the Analytic Tradition." Also available in Portuguese.
- Dogma. An online journal of philosophy, epistemology, psychoanalysis, and literature. Full-text online. In English and French.
- Didascalia. "A Journal for Philosophy and Philology from Late Antiquity to the Renaissance." Full-text online, each article in HTML and LaTex.
- Diotima. "A Philosophical Review." Full-text online.
- The Dualist. An undergraduate philosophy journal from Stanford University.
- Earth Ethics. Only tables of contents online.
- Economics and Philosophy. Only tables of contents online.
- Educational Philosophy and Theory. Only tables of contents online.
- Educational Theory. Tables of contents and abstracts online, searchable.
- Eidos. Primarily for graduate students and recent Ph.D.s.
- The Electronic Journal of Analytic Philosophy. Full-text online.
- Electronic Journal of Business and Organization Ethics. Full-text online.
- The Electronic Journal of Vedic Studies
- E-Logos. Full-text available for downloading.
- Ends and Means. Newsletter of the University of Aberdeen Centre for Philosophy Technology and Society.
- Environmental Ethics. Only tables of contents online.
- Environmental Values. Tables of contents and abstracts online.
- Episteme. "Epistemological Controversies in the Humanities and Social Sciences." No online content.
- Epistemologia. "An Italian Journal for the Philosophy of Science." Tables of contents online. Selected articles have online abstracts, others appear in full-text. In Italian and English.
- Epoché. "A Journal for the History of Philosophy." Only tables of contents online.
- Erkenntnis. "An International Journal of Analytic Philosophy." Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Erosophia. "A Journal for the Philosophy of Sex and Love." No online content.
- Esoterica. "The Journal of Esoteric Studies." Full-text online.
- Essays in Philosophy. "A Biannual Journal." Full-text online.
- Estigma. Full-text online. In Spanish.
- The Ethical Spectacle. From Jonathan Wallace. Full-text online.
- Ethical Theory and Moral Practice. "An International Forum." Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Ethics. "An International Journal of Social, Political, and Legal Philosophy." Only tables of contents online.
- Ethics and Behavior. No online content.
- Ethics and the Environment. University of Georgia.
- Ethics and Information Technology. No online content.
- Ethics and Intellectual Disability. "Newsletter of the Network on Ethics and Intellectual Disability."
- Ethics and Medics. From the Pope John Center for the Study of Ethics in Health Care.
- Ethics, Place, and Environment. A journal of geographical ethics. No online content.
- Ethics Today. Recent issues downloadable (Adobe Acrobat format), not viewable online.
- Etica & Politica. Electronic journal of the Philosophy Department of the University of Trieste. Full-text online. In Italian. Some articles in English.
- Eubios Ethics Institute Newsletter. Full-text online.
- Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics. Full-text online.
- European Journal of Philosophy. Tables of contents and abstracts online, searchable.
- European Society for Analytic Philosophy Newsletter. Full-text online.
- The Examined Life. Full-text online.
- Ex Nihilo. Journal of the undergraduate philosophy association, University of Texas, Austin.
- Exordium. Journal of the Student Philosophy Association at the University of Queensland. Tables of contents online.
- Feminist Studies in Aotearoa Electronic Journal. Full-text of current issue online; only tables of contents of past issues.
- Fichteana. Full-text of past issues online.
- Film and Philosophy. From the Society for the Philosophic Study of the Contemporary Visual Arts. Full-text online.
- Filomusica. "Música clásica, musicología, educación musical y Filosofía de la música." Full-text online.
- La Filosofia Analitica. In Italian. Full-text of current issue online.
- Filosofie Magazine. Full-text online. In Dutch.
- Foundations of Chemistry. "Philosophical, Historical and Interdisciplinary Studies of Chemistry." Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Foundations of Science. "The Official Journal of the Association for Foundations of Science, Language and Cognition." Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Free Inquiry. Only tables of contents online.
- From The Logical Point of View. "International journal devoted to problems of philosophical and mathematical logic." From the Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Only table of contents of last issue online.
- Giornale di Metafisica. Tables of contents online. Selected recent articles appear in full-text.
- Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal. Only tables of contents online.
- Grazer Philosophische Studien. Volume themes or titles online, but no other online content.
- Harvard Review of Philosophy. Only tables of contents online.
- Health Care Analysis. Tables of contents online, searchable.
- The Heythrop Journal. "A Quarterly Review of Philosophy and Theology." Only tables of contents and abstracts online.
- History and Philosophy of Logic. Only tables of contents online.
- History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences. No online content.
- History and Theory. "Studies in the Philosophy of History." Only tables of contents of recent issues online.
- History of European Ideas. Only tables of contents online.
- History of Philosophy Quarterly. Only the table of contents for the current issue is online.
- History of Political Thought
- Hobbes Studies. No online content.
- Horizons philosophiques. In French. Only tables of contents of volumes since 1990 online.
- Hot AIR: Annals of Improbable Research
- Humanitas. From the National Humanities Institute. Although articles are PDF's, they are only available by FTP. Full-text from 1992 to present online. Earlier issues online only for subscribers.
- Human Studies. "A Journal for Philosophy and the Social Sciences." Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Husserl Studies. Tables of contents online, searchable.
- HYLE. "An International Journal for the Philosophy of Chemistry." University of Karlsruhe, Institute of Philosophy. Full-text online (in German).
- Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy
- Hysteron Proteron. Edited by Paul Miranda. So far publishing articles only by Paul Miranda.
- If...Then. "The journal of philosophical enquiry in education." Selected full-text articles online.
- Informal Logic. "Reasoning and Argumentation in Theory and Practice." Contents of recent issues online.
- Information Philosophie im Internet. Apparently full-text of current issue (one article) and no other online content.
- Injustice Studies. Refereed online journal. No online content yet, but only because it is new.
- Inquiry. "Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines." Full-text online.
- Inquiry. "An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy." Tables of contents of most issues online.
- Intellectual News. Newsletter of the International Society for Intellectual History. Only tables of contents online.
- International Gramsci Society Newsletter
- International Journal for Philosophy of Religion. Tables of contents online, searchable.
- International Journal of Applied Philosophy. Only the table of contents of the current issue is online.
- International Journal of Philosophical Studies. Full-text available online to paid subscribers. Only tables of contents online for others. Another site.
- International Kierkegaard Newsletter. From the University of Tasmania.
- International Society for Environmental Ethics Newsletter
- International Studies in the Philosophy of Science. Only tables of contents online.
- Internet Journal of Law, Healthcare, and Ethics. Full-text online.
- Issues in Ethics. From the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University. Full-text online.
- Janus Head. "Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature, Continental Philosophy, Phenomenological Psychology, and the Arts." Full-text online.
- Journal for General Philosophy of Science. Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. Only tables of contents online.
- Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics. Tables of contents and abstracts online.
- Journal of Applied Philosophy. Tables of contents and abstracts online.
- Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research. Tables of contents and abstracts in HTML format, full-text in PostScript format, searchable.
- Journal of Biblical Ethics in Medicine From the Center for the Advancement of Paleo Orthodoxy (CAPO)
- Journal of Buddhist Ethics. Full-text online.
- Journal of Business Ethics. Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Journal of the Canadian Society for Aesthetics. Full-text of its most recent issue.
- Journal of Chinese Medical Ethics. Abstracts only.
- Journal of Consciousness Studies. Tables of contents and abstracts online, plus full-text of selected articles.
- Journal of Ethical Studies. In Japanese, requiring a Japanese-enabled browser. Not the same as the English-language journal of the same title published by the International Association of Ethicists (and so far without a web site).
- Journal of Ethics. "An International Philosophical Review." Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Journal of Evolution and Technology. Full-text online. Formerly called the Journal of Transhumanism.
- Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence. Only tables of contents online.
- Journal of the History of Philosophy. Tables of contents of recent issues online.
- Journal of Indian Philosophy. Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Journal of the Interest Group on Pure and Applied Logic (IGPL)
- Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy. No online content.
- Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics. Only tables of contents online.
- Journal of Logic, Language and Information. Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Journal of Logic and Computation. Tables of contents and abstracts online. Searchable.
- Journal of Medical Ethics. Tables of contents online from 1996 to present. No online text before 1996.
- Journal of Medical Humanities _lase="hippias:2". Only tables of contents online.
- Journal of Medicine and Philosophy. "A Forum for Bioethics and Philosophy of Medicine." Tables of contents and abstracts online.
- Journal of Mind and Behavior. Tables of contents and abstracts online.
- Journal of Moral Education. Only tables of contents online.
- Journal of Neoplatonic Studies. Only tables of contents online.
- Journal of Nietzsche Studies
- Journal of Philosophical Logic Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Journal of Philosophical Research. Only tables of contents online so far.
- Journal of Philosophy of Education. "The Journal of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain." Full-text online only for subscribers. For non-subscribers, only tables of contents and abstracts online.
- Journal of the Philosophy of Science and Mathematics
- Journal of Philosophy, Science, and Law. Full-text online.
- Journal of Political Philosophy. Full-text online only for subscribers. For non-subscribers, only tables of contents and abstracts online.
- Journal of Pragmatics. "An Interdisciplinary Monthly of Language Studies." Only tables of contents online.
- Journal of Religious Ethics. Full-text online only for subscribers. For non-subscribers, no online except some tables of contents at an old gopher site.
- Journal of Speculative Philosophy. No online content.
- Journal of Symbolic Logic. No online content.
- Journal of the History of Ideas. Full-text of recent volumes online but only for users from subscribing institutions.
- Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy
- Journal of the Philosophy of Science and Mathematics
- Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology. Tables of contents and abstracts online.
- Journal of Value Inquiry. Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Kantian Review. Only tables of contents online.
- Kant-Studien. Table of contents for all issues since 1997 online.
- Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal. Full-text online but only for users from subscribing institutions.
- Kinesis. For the works of graduate students in philosophy. Online tables of contents.
- Kosmos. On the relations between between cosmology, philosophy, myth, and culture. No online text.
- Krisis Philosophical Review. University of Bucharest. Full-text online at least in PDF or downloadabld ZIP formats. Some back issues also online in HTML. Also available in Romanian.
- Kriterion. "Journal of Philosophy." Only tables of content online.
- Kruzak. "Croatian Journal of Philosophy." Full-text of articles online, but not book reviews.
- Labyrinth. "International Journal for Philosophy, Feminist Theory and Cultural Hermeneutics." No online content yet; it's just starting out. Plans for full-text online.
- Law and Philosophy. "An International Journal for Jurisprudence and Legal Philosophy." Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Law and Social Inquiry. "For research and critical commentary spanning law and sociology, economics, history, philosophy, and other social sciences."
- Legal Theory. Only tables of contents online.
- Leibniz Society Review. Only the table of contents for the current issue is online at this site. Past tables of contents are online here.
- Linguistics and Philosophy. "A Journal of Natural Language Syntax, Semantics, Logic, Pragmatics and Processing." Tables of contents online, searchable.
- LOGBANK: The Polish Electronic Magazine for Logic and Philosophy
- Logic Journal of the Interest Group in Pure Logic. "An Electronic Journal on Pure and Applied Logic." Tables of contents and abstracts online. Full-text downloadable in several formats.
- Logical Analysis and the History of Philosophy. Tables of contents and abstracts online. Also available in German.
- Logos
- Mariage de Raison. Electronic philosophy journal from Belgium.
- Mathematical Logic Quarterly. No online content.
- Mathesis Universalis. From the Warsaw Scientific Society.
- Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy. "A European Journal." Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Medieval Philosophy and Theology. Only tables of contents online, and only in the form of scanned covers (hence not searchable).
- Metaphilosophy
- Metaphysical Review. "Essays on the Foundation of Physics." Full-text of recent issues.
- Metascience. "An International Review Journal for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Science." Full-text online only for subscribers. For non-subscribers, only tables of contents and abstracts online. There is a separate journal home-page with no online content.
- Meteorite. A student journal of philosophy from the University of Michigan. Brand new. No online content yet.
- Method: The Journal of Lonergan Studies
- Mind. Tables of contents and abstracts from 1996 issues to the present.
- Mind and Language. Full-text online only for subscribers. For non-subscribers, only tables of contents and abstracts online.
- Minds and Machines. "Journal for Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy, and Cognitive Science." Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Minerva. "An Internet Journal of Philosophy." Full-text online.
- Missing Link. An E-zine for Cyberspace, Philosophy, and Culture. In German.
- Modern Logic. "International Journal for the History of Mathematical Logic, Set Theory, and Foundations of Mathematics." Tables of contents and abstracts online.
- The Modern Schoolman. "A Quarterly Journal of Philosophy." No online content.
- Monet: The Monist Online Service
- Monist. Only tables of contents online.
- Moral Musings. "A Quarterly Journal of Social and Political Thought." Full-text online, but now requires registration (which is free of charge).
- Newsletter from the Tokyo Association for Greek Philosophy
- Newsletter of the SPSCVA. SPSCVA = Society for the Philosophic Study of the Contemporary Visual Arts. Full-text online.
- Newsletters of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology
- Noetica. Journal of the Australian Cognitive Science Society. Full-text online.
- Non Serviam. Articles on egoism and individualism in the tradition of Max Stirner. Full-text online.
- The Nordic Journal of Philosophical Logic. University of Oslo.
- North America Spinoza Society Newsletter. Full-text online.
- Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic. Tables of contents and abstracts online.
- Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews. Full-text online.
- Noûs. Full-text online only for subscribers. For non-subscribers, only tables of contents and abstracts online.
- NTM. "International Journal of History and Ethics of Natural Sciences, Technology and Medicine." No online content.
- Objectivity. "A journal of metaphysics, epistemology, and theory of value —informed by modern science." This journal is 'objectivist' in the special sense of that term used by Randians.
- The Observer. "An Internet Newsletter / Journal on Autopoiesis & Enactive Cognitive Science."
- On-Line Information About Journals in Philosophy and Related Disciplines . From Peter Milne.
- The On-Line Journal of Ethics. "An on line journal of cutting edge research in the field of business & professional ethics." Full-text online.
- Overheard in Seville. "Bulletin of the Santayana Society." Only tables of contents online.
- The Owl of Minerva. Journal of the Hegel Society of America. Site contains a 25 year index but no other online content.
- Pacific Philosophical Quarterly. Full-text online only for subscribers. For non-subscribers, only tables of contents and abstracts online.
- Parol. A quarterly journal of art and epistemology. In Italian. Apparently full-text online, though organized by topic, not year and issue.
- Pegasus. "Electronic Journal of Philosophy." Under construction.
- Personalist Forum. Tables of contents online.
- Perspectives on Science. Selected tables of contents online.
- Peruvian Journal of Applied Philosophy. Tables of contents and abstracts online. Also available in Spanish.
- Philo. "The Journal of the Society of Humanist Philosophers." Only tables of contents and selected articles online.
- The Philosopher. Full-text of recent issues online.
- The Philosopher's Annual An annual journal publishing its editors' choices for the 10 best articles of the year. Only tables of contents of back issues and full text of selected articles online.
- The Philosopher's Imprint. Full-text online.
- Philosopher's Index. From the Philosopher's Information Center. No online content. See my instructions on How To Use Philosopher's Index.
- The Philosopher's Magazine. Full-text of the current issue online. Only tables of contents of back issues online.
- Philosophia. "Revista temática y bibliográfica." In Spanish.
- Philosophia Christi. "Journal of the Evangelical Philosophical Society." Only tables of contents online.
- Philosophia Mathematica. No online content.
- Philosophia naturalis. In German. Only the table of contents of the current issue is online.
- Philosophica. Full-text online. In Spanish.
- Philosophical Books. Full-text online only for subscribers. For non-subscribers, only tables of contents and abstracts online.
- Philosophical Explorations. "An International Journal for the Philosophy of Mind and Action." No online content.
- Philosophical Investigations. Full-text online only for subscribers. For non-subscribers, only tables of contents and abstracts online.
- Philosophical Papers. Tables of contents online.
- Philosophical Psychology. Tables of contents online.
- The Philosophical Quarterly. Full-text online only for subscribers. For non-subscribers, only tables of contents and abstracts online.
- Philosophical Studies. "An International Journal for Philosophy in the Analytic Tradition." Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Philosophical Writings. "An International Journal for Postgraduates." Only tables of contents online.
- Philosophique. "Revue de la Société de philosophie du Québec." Abstracts and tables of contents online. In French.
- Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger. No online content.
- Philosophy. Only tables of contents online.
- Philosophy and Geography. From the Society for Philosophy and Geography.
- Philosophy and Literature. Tables of contents online for all. Full-text online for users from subscribing institutions.
- Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. Editorial information but no online articles.
- Philosophy and Public Affairs. No online content.
- Philosophy and Rhetoric. No online content.
- Philosophy and Theology. Only the table of contents of the current issue is online.
- Philosophy East and West. A Quarterly of Comparative Philosophy.
- Philosophy in Japan
- Philosophy in the Contemporary World. Quarterly journal of the Society for Philosophy in the Contemporary World. No online content.
- Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology (PNP) Newsletter. From the Washington University PNP doctoral program.
- Philosophy Now. "A Magazine of Ideas." Only tables of contents online.
- Philosophy of Education Yearbook. Full-text online.
- Philosophy of Mathematics Education Newsletter
- Philosophy of Science. Only tables of contents of recent issues online. Another URL.
- Philosophy of Science Association Newsletter
- Philosophy Newsletter. From the philosophy site.
- Philosophy Now. "A Magazine of Ideas." Only tables of contents and selected articles online.
- Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology. Full-text of recent issues but only for users from subscribing institutions. Phrónesis. "Revista de Filosofía." Full-text online (in Spanish).
- Pli. "The Warwick Journal of Philosophy." Tables of contents of recent issues online.
- Polylog. "Forum for Intercultural Philosophizing." Full-text online. Apparently all articles are published in German and Spanish.
- The Popper Newsletter. Full-text online, but apparently not up to date.
- Positive Atheism. Full-text online.
- Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and Humanities. Tables of contents and synopses online.
- Practical Philosophy. "Newsletter of the Society of Consultant Philosophers." Full-text online.
- Premise. From the Center for the Advancement of Paleo Orthodoxy (CAPO)
- Principia. "An International Journal of Epistemology."
- Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society. Full-text online only for subscribers. For non-subscribers, only tables of contents and abstracts online.
- The Proceedings of the Friesian School, Fourth Series.
- Process Studies. Only the table of contents of the current issue is online.
- Prospero. "A journal of new thinking in philosophy for education." Only tables of contents and abstracts online.
- ProtoSociology. "An International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research." Tables of contents and abstracts online. Also available in German.
- Psyche. "An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Consciousness." Journal of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness. Full-text of recent issues.
- Public Affairs Quarterly. For the philosophical study of public policy issues. Only the table of contents of the current issue is online.
- Qui Parle. "Literature, Philosophy, Visual Arts, History." From the University of California at Berkeley.
- Quodlibet. "Online Journal of Philosophical Theology." Full-text online.
- Radical Philosophy. "A Journal of Socialist and Feminist Philosophy." Tables of contents and extracts (longer than abstracts) online.
- Ratio. "An International Journal of Analytic Philosophy."
- Ratio Juris. "An International Journal of Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law." Full-text online only for subscribers. For non-subscribers, only tables of contents and abstracts online.
- Reason. "Free minds and free markets." Full-text of past issues online.
- Reason in Practice. "The Journal of the Philosophy of Management." No online content (yet).
- Reid Studies. No online content.
- Report from the Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy. Quarterly newsletter of the Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy.
- Reports on Mathematical Logic. Tables of contents and abstracts online.
- République Internationale des Lettres. A journal of literature, philosophy, art, history, science, and politics. In French. Full-text online.
- Research in Phenomenology. No online content.
- Res Publica. "A Journal of Legal and Social Philosophy." Abstracts and tables of contents online.
- Review of Metaphysics. No online content.
- Revista Patagónica de Filosofía. In English and Spanish. Only tables of contents online.
- Russell. "Journal of the Bertrand Russell Archives."
- Secular Humanist Bulletin. Full-text of recent issues online.
- Sic et Non. "Online Forum for Philosophy and Culture." In German. Formerly titled, Philosophia Perennis. Allows uploading of critical responses and downloading of zipped articles.
- Skeptic Magazine. Only tables of contents online.
- Skeptic Magazine. (Not the same as the previous entry of the same title.) Tables of contents and selected articles online.
- The Skeptical Inquirer. From the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal. Tables of contents and selected articles from back issues online.
- The Skeptical Review. Full content online.
- Social Epistemology. No online content.
- Social Philosophy and Policy. Only tables of contents online.
- Social Theory and Practice. "An International and Interdisciplinary Journal of Social Philosophy." Only selected tables of contents online.
- Society for Philosophy and Technology Quarterly. Full-text online.
- Socrate & Co. "Des Philosophes pour une Nouvelle Information." Full-text online. In French.
- Sorites. An Electronic Quarterly of Analytical Philosophy. Tables of contents and abstracts online.
- Stoa. "Undergraduate International Journal of Philosophy." Full-text online.
- The Stoic Voice. Full-text online.
- Student Journal of Philosophy. From Carleton University, Ottawa. Full-text online.
- Student Philosophy Online. Maintained by Ben Fugitt.
- Studia Logica. "An International Journal for Symbolic Logic." Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Studies in East European Thought. Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Studies in the History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences. Some content (unclear what) accessible to registered "Content Direct" subscribers. No other online content.
- Studies in the History and Philosophy of Modern Physics. Only tables of contents online.
- Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science. No online content.
- Studies in Philosophy and Education. "An International Quarterly." Tables of contents online, searchable.
- SubStance. "A Review of Theory and Literary Criticism."
- Symposia. All content will be online (but none yet because the journal is so new).
- Symposium. "Journal of the Canadian Society for Hermeneutics and Postmodern Thought." Tables of contents and abstracts online.
- Syntax. "A Journal of Theoretical, Experimental and Interdisciplinary Research." Full-text online only for subscribers. For non-subscribers, only tables of contents and abstracts online.
- Synthese. "An International Journal for Epistemology, Methodology and Philosophy of Science." Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Tabula Rasa. "A Journal of Critical Thought." Full-text online. In German.
- Teaching Business Ethics. Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Teaching Philosophy. Only tables of contents online.
- Technoscience. "Newsletter of the Society for Social Studies of Science." Full-text of recent issues online.
- Tekhnema. "The Journal of Philosophy and Technology." Full-text online.
- Teorema. Only tables of contents online so far. A Spanish language journal, also available in English.
- Textual Reasoning. "The Journal of the Postmodern Jewish Philosophy Network." Full-text online.
- Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics. "Philosophy of Medical Research and Practice." Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Theoria. "A Journal of Social and Political Theory." Only tables of contents online.
- Theoria. "A Swedish Journal of Philosophy." Only tables of contents online.
- Theory and Society. "Renewal and Critique in Social Theory." Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Thesis 11. "Rethinking Social and Political Theory." Only table of contents for most recent issue online.
- Thinking. "The Journal of Philosophy for Children." Only the table of contents for the current issue is online.
- The Thomist. "A Speculative Quarterly Review." No online content for non-subscribers.
- Topoi. "An International Review of Philosophy." Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Traditio. "Studies in Ancient and Medieval History, Thought, and Religion." No online content.
- Trends. The Newsletter for the Teaching Research Ethics project from the Poynter Center.
- The Trumpeter. "Journal of Ecosophy." Full-text of current issue online. Full-text of back issues coming.
- Ultimate Reality and Meaning. "Interdisciplinary Studies in the Philosophy of Understanding." No online content.
Undergraduate Philosophy Journals, Conferences, Essay contests. A list with addresses and submission details.
- L'Unità del Pensiero "Periodico mensile di ricerca filosofica." Full-text online (in Italian). Also available in English.
- Utilitas. An interdisciplinary journal of moral and political philosophy, economic theory, jurisprudence, and intellectual history. No online content.
- Virtuosity. "The Official Newsletter of the Australasian Society for Continental Philosophy."
- Volga Journal of Philosophy and Social Sciences. In Russian. Only tables of contents online.
- The Voluntaryist. Tables of contents and excerpts from past issues online.
- The Weekly Wisdom. Weekly philosophy newsletter at Beloit College. Full-text online.
- Wisdom's Children. "A virtual journal of philosophy, theology, and literature." Full-text online.
- Wittgenstein-Studien. In German.
- Word Trade. Newsletter of reviews of new books in philosophy and religion. Jump to the philosophy section.
- World Hongming Philosophical Quarterly. Also available in Chinese. Only tables of contents online. Full-text downloadable. Annoying music.
- Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung. Only tables of contents and abstracts online.
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