Guides | Philosophers | Topics | Associations | Journals | Teaching/Learning | Etexts | Bibliographies | Mailing Lists | Newsgroups | Projects | Preprints | Jobs | Dictionaries | Quotations | Miscellany | Hippias | Top | Bottom | Multi-File Edition | About
I no longer link to individual syllabi, course home-pages, departmental curriculum pages, or lecture notes. There are now too many and I am not willing to track all those to come online in the future. I have removed the links of this kind that I already had.
- A Brief Guide to Writing Philosophy Papers. From Richard Field.
- Collections of syllabi and course materials by subject area
- Aesthetics Teaching Materials. From Aesthetics Online.
- Bioethics Syllabi. From the MacLean Center for Clinical Medical Ethics at the University of Chicago.
- Career Handbook for Philosophy Majors. From the University of Florida Department of Philosophy.
Course Materials in Philosophy. From Andy Carpenter. The most systematic collection of online philosophy syllabi, hand-outs, assignments, lecture notes, and related course materials.
- Engineering and Computing Ethics. From Joseph Herkert.
- Ethics Resources for Teachers and Trainers. From the DePaul Institute for Business and Professional Ethics.
- Feminist Philosophy. From the Society for Women in Philosophy (SWIP).
- Guide to the Study of Philosophy. From Garth Kemerling.
- International Society for Environmental Ethics Syllabus Project. Attempts to link to all courses on environmental philosophy and ethics.
- Medical Ethics Syllabi. University of Buffalo.
- Medical Humanities Syllabi. New York University.
- PedagoNet. A collection of course materials in all fields. Jump directly to the philosophy section (which is currently empty).
- Philosophy Syllabi. From the American Philosophical Association.
- Philosophy and the Neurosciences. Collected by Pete Mandik.
- Philosophy of History. From Nikolai S. Rozov. Syllabi in philosophy of history as well as social philosophy, philosophy of law, political philosophy, and world-systems analysis.
- Philosophy of Religion Syllabi. From Michael Sudduth.
- Radical Philosophy
- Resources for Teaching Nietzsche Syllabi and study guides collected by Douglas Thomas.
- Syllabi in Ethics. From Lawrence Hinman's Ethics Updates.
- Syllabus Exchange Catalog. Short descriptions of bioethics syllabi (not the syllabi themselves) for sale from the Kennedy Institute of Ethics and the National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature.
- World Lecture Hall, Philosophy. On all philosophical topics.
- Writing a Philosophy Essay. From Geoffrey Klempner.
- Courses Taught on the Web. From the American Philosophical Association.
- The Ethics OSCE: Standardized Patient Scenarios for Teaching and Evaluating Bioethics. By Peter A. Singer and Anja K. Robb. "OSCE" stands for "objective structured clinical examination".
- Good and Bad in Philosophy Essays. From Ronnie Hepburn. Hand-out for students.
- Guide for Writing Papers in Philosophy. Ellen Watson.
- A Guide to Philosophy in the Library of Congress Classification. "How to find Philosophical Works in the Library." From John R. Shook.
- Guide to the Study of Philosophy. From Garth Kemerling.
- A Guide to Writing Philosophy Essays. From Colin Allen.
- Guidelines on Writing a Philosophy Paper. From James Pryor.
- How Does Philosophy Relate to My Career? From the philosophy department at Wilfrid Laurier University.
- How to Read A Philosophy Paper. From Jeff McLaughlin.
- How to Write an Essay in Bioethics. From Barry Brown.
- How To Write A Philosophy Paper. From Istvan Berkeley.
- Identifying the Argument of an Essay. From Frank Edler.
- Library of Congress Schedule for Philosophy. How the Library of Congress classification system organizes the field. From the Lamson Library at Plymouth State College.
- Library Research in Philosophy. Guide to print reference works. From Paul Fehrmann. Plus another guide for ethics.
- Logic Teaching Aids. Mostly on logic software.
- OhioLINK History of Philosophy Instructional Website. Not just course home-pages (which I've decided to omit), but course content well-integrated with search technology for Ohio library holdings.
- Paper writing strategies for introductory philosophy courses. From J. Hernandez Cruz.
- The Philosopher's Assistant: A Research Guide for Students. From W. Gordon Snow. Deliberately skimpy on the assumption that students are not ready for the sites and guides used by their professors.
- A Philosopher's Experience Teaching in The Virtual Classroom. From Ron Barnette.
- Philosophy Vade Mecum. "A Survival Guide for Philosophy Student." From Darren Brierton and Alexander Bird. Under construction.
- So You Want To Pass Your First Philosophy Course? From A.D. Irvine.
- Some Tips on Writing a Philosophy Paper. From Andrew Carpenter.
- Taking Notes on Philosophical Texts. From Peter Suber.
- Teaching Bioethics and Medical Humanities. From the Center for Clinical Ethics and Humanities in Health Care at the University of Buffalo.
- Teaching Philosophy. From Andrew Carpenter.
- Teaching Research Ethics. That is, teaching the ethics of scientific research to science students. A project of the Poynter Center.
- Tips for Understanding Philosophy. From David Hildebrand.
- Tips on Writing a Philosophy Paper. From Douglas Portmore.
- Undergraduate Philosophical Writing. From Martin Young.
- A Virtual Classroom: The Electronic Agora. From Ron Barnette.
- What Can You Do With A Philosophy Degree? From the Philosophy Department at Illinois State University.
- Why Major in Philosophy? From Michael Gilbert.
- Writing a Philosophical Essay. From Ronald de Sousa.
- Writing a Philosophical Essay. From William Myers.
- Writing a Philosophy Essay. From Joe Lau.
- Writing a Philosophy Paper. From Janette Schue.
- Writing Argumentative Essays. By Bill Daly.
- Writing Clear and Effective Philosophical Essays. From Glenn Rawson and David Hildebrand.
- Writing Guidelines. By Tom Bridges.
- Writing in Philosophy. A collection of hand-outs, references, and links from the philosophy faculty at the University of Toronto.
- Writing Philosophy. By Garth Kemerling.
Also see the sections on Philosophers and philosophies, Topics, Journals, Bibliographies, Preprints, Online papers, and Quotations.
- Access the Great Books. From the Access Foundation and Encyclopedia Britannica. Links to many online "great books", not limited to philosophy.
- Ancient and Medieval Texts in Philosophy and Theology. From The Labyrinth guide to medieval studies.
Akamac E-Text Links. Very thorough on the philosophers it covers.
- Alex: A Catalog of Electronic Texts on the Internet. Not limited to philosophy.
- APA List of Electronic Texts
- The Aphil Library. Philosophical works in the public domain.
- Book Stacks Unlimited, Philosophy On-Line. Not limited to philosophy, but a good philosophy collection appears near the top of this file. For convenience, jump to its title-search page.
- Center for Electronic Texts in the Humanities (CETH). Not a collection of texts, but of thinking and services about texts.
- The Christian Classics Ethereal Library
- Classic Texts in Ethics. From Lawrence Hinman.
- The Classics Archive. Greek and Latin texts in English translation. Searchable.
- Digital Text Projects. From the Columbia University Institute for Learning Technologies.
- Eclectic Artistry Philosophy Library
- Electronic Text Center. University of Virginia. Organized by language, not by field. Some philosophy among the literature.
- Electronic Texts in Philosophy. Formerly comprehensive, but not updated since 1994.
- Great Books. From Russ McNeil. Organized by period and author. Not limited to philosophy, but very thorough collection.
- Greek Philosophy Archive. From David Knox.
- Hanover College Philosophy Etext Links
- Ancient Philosophy
- Medieval Philosophy (500 - 1500)
- Early Modern European Philosophy (1500 - 1789)
- Modern European Philosophy (1789 - present)
- 19th Century American Philosophy
- Humanities Text Initiative. From the University of Michigan. Very little philosophy so far.
- InteLex "Past Masters" Catalog. Commercial editions of full texts of classical works of philosophy. Titles and demo.
- Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy Text Collection. Contains many etexts not included elsewhere, prepared for this online encyclopedia.
- Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. Searchable version of Norman Kemp Smith translation.
- Leeds Electronic Text Centre. A small but growing number of high-quality philosophical texts.
- Library of Bioethics and Medical Humanities Texts and Documents. From the Center for Clinical Ethics and Humanities in Health Care at the University of Buffalo.
- The Library of Classics of Philosophy. From Rauno Huttunen.
- Liverpool Guide to Philosophy Etexts
- The Master Works of Western Civilization. Organized chronologically.
- Minerva Text Archive. A systematic effort to collect online philosophy texts. Searchable but not browsable. Also available in German.
- Online Library of Philosophy. From Ron Bombardi.
- Online papers in philosophy
- Archived Papers in Philosophy. From the Philosophy at Large site at the University of Liverpool.
Individuals with Online Papers in Philosophy. From David Chalmers. Organized by areas of interest. Also see his collection of Online Papers on Consciousness, organized by sub-topic within the topic of consciousness.
Noesis. "Philosophical Research On-Line." Structured searching of a database of online philosophy texts. The future of scholarly web searching, browsing, and organizing. From Anthony Beavers and his IALab. (Disclaimer: I am a co-editor.)
- Online Papers by NYU Philosophers
On-line Philosophy Papers Directory. From the Philosophy Department of the University of Hong Kong. It allows authors to submit their papers by filling out a web-based form. Organized by area of philosophy.
- Papers in Contemporary Analytic Epistemology From Keith Korcz.
- Sites With Original Philosophy. From Franz Kiekeben. Organized by author.
- Online Texts Collection. From the Internet Public Library. Organized by authors, by titles, and by Dewey Decimal numbers. Searchable. Jump to the philosophy section. So far, a well-organized shell with comparatively few texts.
- The Otis Index. Online book index, organized by author and title. Not limited to philosophy.
- Oxford Text Archive. Supports full-text searching. Not limited to philosophy. No section on philosophy.
Perseus Project. Ancient Greek texts in Greek and English. Superb hypertext scholarly apparatus.
Philosophers Page. Searchable by philosopher, links to full texts. This link is either dead or temperamental. I'm checking it out.
- The Philosophy Archives.
- Philosophy Classics. From Jim Macdonald.
- Philosophy Text Collection. From the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
- Philosophy Texts. Philosophy division of The English Server, Carnegie Mellon University.
- The Political Philosophy Reading Room. Classical etexts organized by doctrine. From Stephen Moore.
- Rescogitans Reading Room. Small collection so for, but growing. The site also sells philosophical etexts. Also available in Italian.
Texts and Contexts. From Haakon Sorensen. Thorough collection of etexts (and related links) on major philosophers.
- Upstream. Electronic texts of books and articles with nothing in common but their heterodoxy.
- Valdosta Etext Archive
- The Value of Knowledge: A Miniature Library of Philosophy. From Andy Blunden. Excerpts from a large number of philosophy texts.
- Wesleyan Chinese Philosophical Etext Archive
- The Western Canon. Organized by period, author, and subject. For speed, jump directly to the page of philosophers.
Also see the sections on Topics, Journals, Etexts, and Preprints.
- American Philosophical Association List of Philosophy Bibliographies.
- Analytic Bibliography and Bookstore. By Rodrigo Vanegas.
- Jean Baudrillard Annotated Bibliography. By Ben Attias. Annotations are extensive.
- Bibliographie des études relatives à Anthony Ashley Cooper, troisième Comte de Shaftesbury. From Laurent Jaffro.
- Annotated Bibliography of Books of Ethics. From W. Allen Ashby and Paul Ashby. Under construction, accepting users' email nominations.
- Annotated Bibliography on Teaching Research Ethics. From the Poynter Center.
- Annotated Bibliography on Wisdom. From Copthorne Macdonald (from his book, Toward Wisdom).
- Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness Selected Bibliography 1970-1996. By Thomas Metzinger and David Chalmers. Searchable. Password protected, only accessible by members to members of the ASSC.
- Basic Resources in Bioethics. By Mary Carrington Coutts. Selected online resources as well as a thorough bibliography.
- A Berdyaev Bibliography. By Steven Janos.
- Bibliografia Gramsciana. Very thorough collection of works about (not by) Gramsci. Too large (10,000+ entries) to display; searchable only.
- Bibliografia sulla Didattica della Filosofia. On teaching philosophy. By Fulvio C. Manara.
Bibliographies. A well-organized collection of philosophical bibliographies, from Lorenzo Cuna. Also available in Italian.
- Bibliographies Published by the Philosophy Document Center.
- Bibliographies of Philosophers Writing on Film. By Ludvig Hertzberg.
- A Bibliography of Analytical Philosophy. By Luciano Floridi.
- Bibliography of Autopoiesis and Enaction. Based on the work of Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela. By Randall Whitaker.
- Bibliography of Belief Revision and Nonmonotonicity. By Raymundo Morado. Searchable only, not a list for perusing. Indiana University.
- Bibliography of Bioethics. Very large and well-organized. Searchable. From Genetics and Public Issues.
- Bibliography of Buddhism and Human Rights. By Damien Keown.
- Bibliography of Common Sense Psychology. By Alexander Maeder.
- Bibliography of Concepts of Self, Person, and Personal Identity. By Shaun Gallagher.
- Bibliography of Information Technology Ethics. By Bashir Jiwani.
- Bibliography of Panajotis Kondylis. From Bernd A. Laska.
- Bibliography of Materials Related to Synchronicity. By Patricia Barlow-Irick and Steven Hladkyj.
- A Bibliography of Metaethics. By James Lenman.
- Bibliography of Military Ethics. By J.H. Toner.
- Bibliography of Personalism. By Shaun Gallagher.
- Bibliography of Philosophical Counseling. Apparently by Kenneth Cust.
- Bibliography of the Writings of Clarence Irving Lewis. By John Shook.
- Bibliography on Incommensurability. From the Center for Philosophy and Ethics of Science, University of Hanover.
- Bibliography on Polish Philosophy in Italy. By Francesco Coniglione.
- Bibliography of Truth. By Paul Saka.
- Bio-Bibliographical Directory to Writers on the Theory, History, and Culture of Science and the Humanities. From Hartmut Krech.
- Maurice Blanchot Bibliography. By Reginald Lilly.
- Buddhism and Medical Ethics: A Bibliographic Introduction. By James Hughes and Damien Keown.
- Bibliography of Some Major Works on Confucian Philosophy. By Bryan W. Van Norden.
- Bibliography of Void and Emptiness. By Albert Ribas.
- Noël Carroll Bibliography. By Ludvig Hertzberg.
- Stanley Cavell on Film. By Ludvig Hertzberg.
- Cicero Bibliography. By Bob Cape and Chris Craig.
- Hélène Cixous: A Bibliography. By Eddie Yeghiayan.
- Cognitive Science and the Arts: A Collaborative Bibliography. By Cynthia Freeland.
- Collected Bibliography of the Philosophy of Chemistry. From HYLE, the journal of the philosophy of chemistry.
- Collective Multidisciplinary Bibliography of the Phenomenological Movement. From the Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology.
- A Comprehensive Anarchist Bibliography. By Dana Ward.
- Consciousness and the Brain: Annotated Bibliography. By Ralph Ellis and Natika Newton.
Contemporary Philosophy of Mind: An Annotated Bibliography. By Dave Chalmers.
- Critical Theorists' Library. By Kenneth G. MacKendrick. Part of the larger site, The Forge.
- Critical Theory Resource. A collection of bibliographies on critical theorists from the University of California at Irvine.
- Donald Davidson Bibliography. By Volker Meurer.
- Manuel DeLanda Annotated Bibliography. By Tom Tyler.
- Jacques Derrida Bibliography. Apparently by Peter Krapp.
- Jacques Derrida Bibliography. By Eddie Yeghiayan.
- Detailed Bibliography of Nino Cocchiarella. By Raul Corazzon.
- Diagrammatic Reasoning Bibliography. By Michael Anderson.
- Euthanasia, Recommended Reading. By the Voluntary Euthanasia Society of Scotland.
- Evolutionary Epistemology Bibliography. By Gary A. Cziko and Donald T. Campbell.
- Extended Bibliography of Roman Ingarden's Works. Apparently by Francesco Coniglione.
- Feminist Theory. By Kristin Switala. With subsections on aesthetics, epistemology, ethics, history of philosophy, and other philosophical topics.
- Foucault Bibliography. By Antonio Gonzales Fernandez.
- Heidegger Bibliography. By Antonio Gonzales Fernandez.
- Berys Gaut Bibliography. By Ludvig Hertzberg.
- GeoEthics, A Bibliography. By William S. Lynn.
- A Guide to Selected References on Hermeneutics. By Allen S. Lee.
- Heidegger Bibliography. By R. Daniel McIntosh.
- Heidegger Bibliography 1910-1976. From Christian Sommer.
- Human Rights Bibliographies. From the DIANA International Human Rights Database.
- Hume Bibliography. By Antonio Gonzales Fernandez. Hume's works, and Spanish secondary sources.
- Hypertext Bibliography of Complexity Measures. By Bruce Edmonds.
- International Philosophical Bibliography. From Institut Supérieur de Philosophie (Université Catholique de Louvain) and the Hoger Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte (Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven). Also available in French.
- International Society for Environmental Ethics Bibliography. Covers the last 20 years. Searchable.
- Bibliographie Panajotis Kondylis. By Bernd A. Laska.
- Levinas: English Bibliography. By Robert Bernasconi.
- Emmanuel Levinas: A Bibliography of Secondary Sources in English. By Anthony Beavers.
- Clarence Irving Lewis, A Bibliography. By John Shook.
- Niklas Luhman Bibliography. By Martin Rost.
- Bibliography of Hugh MacColl. By Michael Astroh and Johan W. Klüwer.
- Bibliografia Machiavelliana. By Rosalba Longo Cioffi.
- Alasdair MacIntyre Bibliography. By William Hughes.
- Jean-Luc Marion: A Bibliography. By James K.A. Smith and William Van Otterloo.
- Mead Bibliography By Lloyd Gordon Ward and Robert Throop.
- Media Ethics Bibliography. From the Poynter Institute for Media Studies.
- Medical Issues and the Person: A Bibliography of Philosophical Sources. By Shaun Gallagher.
- Addison Webster Moore, A Bibliography. By John Shook.
- Charles W. Morris, A Bibliography. By John Shook.
- Neurophilosophy Bibliography. By Pete Mandik.
- Nietzsche Bibliography. By J.F. Humphrey.
NOEMA: The Collaborative Bibliography of Women in Philosophy. Searchable.
- Martha C. Nussbaum: A Selected Bibliography. By Eddie Yeghiayan.
- Michael Oakeshott Bibliography. From the Michael Oakeshott Association.
- Bibliography of Arthur Pap. By Alfons Keupink.
- Pier Paolo Pasolini
- Patrologia Analytica. "A Short Bibliography on Analytic Philosophy, with a list of the top 100 books in the field selected by members of the internet community." By Luciano Floridi.
- The Philosophical Debates. By Cheryl and Michael Patton. Introductory bibliography to five major major philosophical questions.
- Philosophical Writing: An Annotated Bibliography. By Will Buschert.
- Philosophy and AI: An Annotated Bibliography. By Brian J. Rosmaita and his grad students at Kent State University.
- Philosophy and Computing, A Bibliography. By Luciano Floridi.
- Philosophy Documentation Center Bibliographies. Descriptions and ordering information, but no online content.
- A Philosophy of Artificial Life Bibliography. By Brian Keeley.
- Philosophy of History Bibliographies and Reviews. By Nickolai Rozov.
- Philosophy of Psychiatry Bibliography. By Christian Perring.
- A Primary Bibiography of Lonergan Sources. By Father Terry J. Tekippe. Also see Tekippe's bibliography of secondary sources on Lonergan.
- John Rawls: A Selected Bibliography. By Eddie Yeghiayan.
- Max Scheler Bibliography, Secondary Literature. By Manfred Frings.
- Science Ethics Bibliography. By Vince Hammer.
- The Scottish Enlightenment Bibliography. By Ross Emmett.
- A Select Bibliography of the Historical Orientation of the Philosophy of Science. By Peter Barker and Xian Chen.
- A Selected Bibliography of Works on Philosophical Counseling. Anonymous.
- Self-Deception Bibliography. From the Consciousness in the Natural World Project, University of Stirling.
- The Senses: A Philosophical Bibliography. By Fiona Macpherson.
- Antonio Rosmini Serbati. By Rosalba Longo Cioffi.
- A Short Webliography on Computer Ethics for Philosophers. By Luciano Floridi.
SKEPTIC Annotated Bibliography. On paranormal research and its critics. Thorough, well-organized, and well-annotated.
- Murray Smith Bibliography. By Ludvig Hertzberg.
- Subject Bibliographies in Environmental Ethics. A collection of many online bibliographies on different topics in environmental ethics, compiled by Timothy Weiskel.
- Charles Taylor Bibliography. By William Hughes.
- Teaching Medical Ethics: Bibliography. By Georg Marckmann.
- Stephen Toulmin Bibliography. By Robert O'Hara and Patricia Dew.
- The Untimely Past. By Jeffrey Hearn. Large bibliography on philosophy of history and post-structualism. Many entries extensively annotated. Also links to related resources.
- The Variety of Historicisms. Bibliography assembled for a 1990 conference. Searchable only.
- Women's Studies: Philosophy. By Sara Brownmiller. The philosophy bibliography in a series of disciplinary bibilographies produced by the Association of College & Research Libraries, Women's Studies Section. Books only.
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Also see the sections on Journals, Newsgroups, and Chat.
- The Bucknell Internet Philosophy Initiative. A collection of philosophy listservs.
- CataList. Catalog of listserv lists. Not limited to philosophy. Searchable.
- FindMail Philosophy Email Lists. Hosted and archived by FindMail. Permits reading of list postings on the web. Lists and list contents separately searchable.
- The Free Lance Academy Mailing Lists. From the Free Lance Academy (Lance Fletcher).
Topica (formerly Liszt) List of Mailing Lists. Search for "philosophy" from front page for a huge list. Boolean searchable by topic and name.
Philosophy Mailing Lists. From Dey Alexander.
- Philosophy Mailing Lists. From the Directory of Scholarly Electronic Conferences (Diane Kovacs).
- Philosophy Web List Service. Under construction.
- The Spoon Collective. From the University of Virginia Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities. Many links, mostly to mailing lists.
Guides | Philosophers | Topics | Associations | Journals | Teaching/Learning | Etexts | Bibliographies | Mailing Lists | Newsgroups | Projects | Preprints | Jobs | Dictionaries | Quotations | Miscellany | Hippias | Top | Bottom | Multi-File Edition | About
Also see the sections on Mailing lists and Chat.
If your web browser contains a newsreader (like Netscape 2.0+), then clicking on a newsgroup below will pop up the newsreader and open that newsgroup.
· Philosophy Newsgroups. From Dey Alexander.
· sci.psychology.consciousness
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- The Analytic Philosophy Project
- The Automated Reasoning Project
- The Irving Babbitt Project. From the National Humanities Institute.
- The Bentham Project
- The Chicago/Penn Ethics and Genetics Project
- Codes of Ethics Online Project. From the Illinois Institute of Technology. A funded project to put over 850 codes of professional ethics on the web.
- Consciousness in the Natural World Project. University of Stirling. Directed by Jose Luis Bermudez.
- The Descartes Project. From Brian Baigrie, André Gombay and Calvin Normore.
- Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues in Science (ELSI) Project. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
- Geography/Ethics Project. From Jim Proctor.
- The High School Philosophy Website Project. From the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto.
- The Marxism Leninism Project. Goal is to present Marxist-Leninist theories in an accessible, authoritative form on a single web site.
- The OSCAR Project. An project in artificial intelligence and artificial rationality directed by John Pollock.
- The Paideia Project Online. Proceedings of the 20th World Congress of Philosophy, Boston, 1998.
- Pathways to Philosophy Distance Learning Project. From Geoffrey Klempner. Includes Philosophy of A-Z, links to philosophical subjects on m any subjects, as well as Klempner's Ask A Philosopher, How To Do It Guide.
- The Personality Project. From William Revelle, Director of the Graduate Program in Personality, Department of Psychology, Northwestern University.
- POIESIS. Formerly called The Philosophy Online Serials Project. From the Philosophy Documentation Center and InteLex. The goal is to get full-text of all philosophy journals online, in searchable form, even if not free of charge. See its demo page.
- The Principia Cybernetica Project
- Project Baudrillard. From Collin Brooke.
- Project Metaphysics. From Michael Heim.
- Project Mind
- The Reid Project. University of Aberdeen.
- The Bertrand Russell Editorial Project
- The Spinoza-Freudenthal Project. The goal is to produce a large Spinoza bibliography. Also available in English. From the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn.
- The Universal Ethics Project. From UNESCO. Aims to articulate a trans-cultural ethics for the 21st century.
- The University of Chicago Philosophy Project
Also see the sections on Journals, Etexts, Bibliographies, and Online papers.
- American Mathematical Society Preprint Server. Covering many topics in logic and the foundations of mathematics of interest to philosophers.
- Behavioral and Brain Sciences Target Article Preprints. Searchable.
- CogPrints. "The Cognitive Sciences Eprint Archive."
- Ethics Updates Papers for Discussion. From Lawrence Hinman. Part of Ethics Updates.
- Hegel Preprint Exchange. For articles on Hegel. Maintained by Scott Johnson.
- Logic Eprints. The Logic section of Los Alamos Mathematical Archive of eprints.
- Logic Group Preprint Series. List of preprint titles, most linked to web files.
- The International Philosophical Preprint Exchange. Preprints in most areas of philosophy. When I visited 10/99 all the links were dead.
- PhilSci Archive. Preprints in the philosophy of science. From the Philosophy of Science Association and the Center for Philosophy of Science at the University of Pittsburgh.
- Psychology Preprints
Philosophy Jobs |
While you wait, check out Graduate Student Funding Opportunities and Post-Doctoral Graduate Fellowships. To practice philosophy without teaching, consider Philosophical Counseling. If the bad market has you thinking about retraining, read Philosophy and Enterprise.
- AAS Professional Personnel Registry Listings. From the Association of Asian Studies. All the listings are in one file, so you can search for philosophy jobs by using your browser's search command.
- Academic Employment Network. Employers may post ads for free. Candidates may search for jobs by field, state, or advertisement keyword. Not all jobs at this site are at the college level.
- Academic Position Network. Not free to post ads. Candidates may search ads by field, location, type, and other parameters. Includes graduate fellowships and post-docs.
- Artificial Intelligence Job Posting Archives
- The Australasian Philosophy Network Jobs Page
- Chronicle of Higher Education Ads for Jobs in Philosophy
- Colibri Job Listings. Jobs in language, speech, and logic, mostly in Europe.
- Employment Opportunities and Resume Postings. Links to academic job pages. Not limited to philosophy. Searchable. From Galaxy.
- Getting a Job in Philosophy. From Brian Keeley.
- Grants, Fellowships, and Academic Positions. From the Canadian Philosophical Association.
- H-Net's Job Guide. Covers the humanities and social sciences. Organized only by date of submission. Searching (e.g. by field) not yet supported, but coming.
- International Academic Job Market: Arts & Humanities.
- Jobs for Mathematicians. Philosophers would be lucky to have such a well-organized page.
Jobs for Philosophers. The publication of the American Philosophical Association. The most complete listing of philosophy jobs in the United States. Full-text is available only to APA members in good standing. You will need your membership ID for access.
- Jobs for Philosophers. The discussion group hosted by the Philosophy News Service.
Jobs in Philosophy. World-wide coverage, organized by continent and date of submission. Employers may post ads for free. From PhilNet. Also available in German, French, and Spanish.
- Jobs in Philosophy of Education. Employers and job seekers can post their ads free of charge. From the Midwest Philosophy of Education Society.
- Jobs in Political Science and Political Theory. From Poly-Cy, a comprehensive guide to political science on internet by Bob Duval.
- Jobs in the Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education
- Jobs Section. From the online edition of the journal Mind.
- NIRA's World Directory of Think Tanks. NIRA is the Japanese National Institute for Research Advancement. This directory is very thorough. Entries on individual think tanks do not list job vancancies, but do include basic information for postal, phone, and email contact.
- Philosophical Services. Helps you find non-academic jobs, including jobs in philosophical consulting and counseling. Offers $50 registrtation for M.A. and Ph.D. philosophers so that you can be seen by employers who search or scan the site. (Free registration for B.A. philosophers.) Publishes ads for academic jobs at no charge.
- Philosophy Jobs. The philosophy section of the web site on academic careers from University Affairs, a Canadian journal. Apparently these are the job ads only for the current or previous month.
- Philosophy Jobs. Jobs section of the web site of the Society for Women in Philosophy (SWIP).
- Riley Guide to Jobs in Academe. One of the best collections of academic jobs (not necessarily in philosophy). Part of Margaret Riley Dikel's even larger Riley Guide to job listings on the net.
If your department has a vacancy and your web site hosts an ad for it, then send me the URL and I'll list it here. (Please include the date after which I may delete the link.)
Guides | Philosophers | Topics | Associations | Journals | Teaching/Learning | Etexts | Bibliographies | Mailing Lists | Newsgroups | Projects | Preprints | Jobs | Dictionaries | Quotations | Miscellany | Hippias | Top | Bottom | Multi-File Edition | About- ArtLex: A Lexicon of Visual Art Terminology. From Michael Delahunt.
- Bioethics Thesaurus. From the National Center for Bioethics Literature.
- ChurchRodent. A glossary of "Christian History" from R. A. Tatum.
- Cognitive Science Dictionary. From Michael R.W. Dawson and David A. Medler. Browsable and searchable.
- Critical Thinking Glossary. From Richard Paul and Linda Elder.
- Dictionnaire philosophique. Voltaire's classic treatise. Also see this 1924 English translation and abridgdment by H.I. Woolf.
- Dictionary of Consciousness. Anonymous.
- Dictionary of East Asian Buddhist Terms. From Charles Muller.
- Dictionary of Islamic Philosophical Terms. Based on M. Saeed Sheikh, Dictionary of Muslim Philosophy, Institute of Islamic Culture, 1970.
- Dictionary of Philosophical Terms and Names. From Garth Kemerling.
- Dictionary of the Philosophy of Mind. From Chris Eliasmith. Peer-reviewed and searchable.
- A Dictionary of Sensibility. Dictionary of the language of 18th century sensibility (terms such as "enthusiasm", "sublime", and "wit"). Illustrated with quotations. From R. F. Brissenden.
- Dictionary of Sorts. From Robert Berman. Mostly terms in ethics.
- Etymologies of Philosophical Terms. From Josh Wood.
Free Online Dictionary of Philosophy (FOLDOP). A collaborative effort edited by the folks at SWIF. If you can correct mistakes or supply omissions, the editors want to hear from you.
- Glossary-Guide for Translating Husserl. From Antonio Zirion Quijano.
- Glossary of Bioethics. With a special focus on genetic technology. By Darryl R. J. Macer, from his book, Shaping Genes: Ethics, Law and Science of Using New Genetic Technology in Medicine and Agriculture, Eubios Ethics Institute, 1990.
- Glossary of Buddhist Terms. From Paul Trafford.
- Glossary of Ethical Terms. From the Online Ethics Center for Engineering and Science, Case Western Reserve University.
- Glossary of First-Order Logic. From Peter Suber.
- Glossary of Hegelian Terms. From Andy Blunden.
- Glossary of Kant's Technical Terms. From Steve Palmquist.
- Glossary of Leibniz's Monadology. From Roger Jones.
- Glossary of Pali and Buddhist Terms. From Access to Insight.
- Glossary of Philosophic Terms. From Rich Gray's philosophy site at
- Glossary of Philosophical Terms. From Nicholas Bunnin and E.P. Tsui-James's Blackwell Companion to Philosophy. Blackwell has apparently removed this glossary from its site. I'm linking to a copy. If anyone can assure me that this copy is unauthorized, I will remove my link.
- Glossary of Philosophical Terms and Names. From James Eiswert.
- Glossary of Philosophy. From Roger Jones.
- Glossary of the Philosophy of Mind. From Darren Brierton.
- Glossary of Religious Terms. From the Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance. Specializing in terms that cause misunderstanding. Unfortunately, the definitions themselves cause misunderstanding, e.g. "Atheist: a person who does not believe in the existence of a deity about them if they do exist."
- Glossary of Sanskrit Terms in Integral Yoga Literature. Anonymous.
- Glossary of Terms in Eastern Philosophy. From James Fieser.
- A Glossary of Terms in Ethics. From Lawrence Hinman.
- Hegel Dictionary. From Paul Ashton.
- Humanities And Social Science Electronic Thesaurus. Thesaurus maintained by Steve Hassan. Part of the University of Essex Data Archive for the humanities and social sciences.
- In Other Words: A Lexicon of the Humanities. Especially on literary criticism, rhetoric, linguistics, and identity politics. From Randy Radney.
- The Ism Book. "A Field Guide to the Nomenclature of Philosophy." By J. Peter Saint-André.
- Kant Lexicon. From G.J. Mattey. Small number of terms, but thorough definitions.
- Kant Glossary. From Andrew Carpenter.
- The Lexical Navigator: A Dictionary of Philosophy. From Barry Vaughan. Limited to the courses he teaches at Mesa Community College.
- Lexicon of Confucianism. From Lao Sze-kwang. Thorough, well-organized, and searchable. Marred only by annoying music.
- Lexicon of Foreign Words in English-Language Philosophy. From Josh Wood.
- Mostly Modern Philosophical Glossary. From Larry Hauser.
- Nonlinear Dynamics and Complex Systems Theory Glossary of Terms. Apparently from Andy Ilachinski.
- A Non-Philosopher's Guide to Philosophical Terms. From James Maclaurin. A humorous guide.
- The Online Leibniz Dictionary. From Enrico Pasini and others. Still under construction.
- Other Philosophies: A to Z. From J. Will Pierce.
- PhilLex: Lexikon der Philosophie. From Uwe Wiedemann. In German.
- A Philosophical Glossary. From Justin Leiber.
- The Philosophical Lexicon. Edited by Daniel Dennett. Making humorous philosophical terms out of the surnames of prominent contemporary philosophers.
- Philosophical Terms and Methods. From James Pryor.
- Philosophy Terms. From Laurie Dee.
- Philosophy Terms and Definitions. From Ryan Breedon.
- The Red Feather Dictionary of Critical Social Science. "A Teaching Dictionary of Key Words for Progressive, Radical, Critical, Marxist, Feminist, Left-Liberal as well as Postmodern Scholars and Students in Sociology, Philosophy, Economics, History, Social Psychology, Political Science and Anthropology as well as Religion and Theology." From T.R. Young.
- The Skeptic's Dictionary. From Robert T. Carroll.
- Spinoza Glossary and Index. From Joseph Yesselman.
- Swedenborg Glossary. From Leon James.
- Systematic Ideology: Glossary. Under construction. From Trevor Blake.
- Towards a Philosophical Lexicon. From Darren Brierton.
- Words of Art. A glossary of "theory and criticism for the visual arts". From the Department of Fine Arts at Okanagan University College. Many philosophical terms, not limited to visual arts or even aesthetics.
- Aristotle Quotes. No citations. From Robert Sarkissian.
- BilLee's Fabulous Quotes Pages. Sub-pages on individual authors, including many philosophers. Full citations for most items on the sub-pages. From Bill Lee.
- Creative Quotations from Famous Philosophers, Reformers and Religious Leaders. No citations. From
- Education Quotes. From Chip Bruce. Sometimes titles and years, rarely page numbers.
- Everything You Need To Know About Contemporary Philosophy. From A.D. Irvine. Quotations from 20th century philosophers. No citations.
- Everything You Need To Know About the History of Philosophy. From A.D. Irvine. Quotations from pre-20th century philosophers. No citations.
- Faith and Reason Quotations. From Scott Moore. No citations.
- Favorite Russell Quotations. From the subscribers to Russell-L. Maintained by Kenneth Blackwell. Full citations but for missing page numbers on a few items.
- Food For Your Brain. From Ryan Breedon. Citations to authors and titles only.
- Ernest Gellner Quotations. From Jeffrey Cormier and Philippe Couton. Full citations.
- Great Quotes from Freethinkers. Also the companion site, Worst Quotes, from religious zealots. Mostly without citations. From Jim Walker.
- Greek and Other Quotations. Many Greek philosophers. Citations to titles and chapters, not pages. From the Greek Forum of the New York Area.
- Friedrich Hayek Quote Page. From Greg Ransom. Full citations for almost every item.
- Thomas Jefferson Quotations. From Eyler Robert Coates, Sr. Full citations for every item.
- Kant Quotes. Small selection, no citations. From Safe Haven.
- Mathematical Quotations Server. Many are philosophical. Authors, titles, and dates common; page numbers uncommon. From Mark Woodard.
- On Matters of Most Grave Concern. Quotations organized by topic. Incomplete citations (titles, sometimes dates). From D.N. O'Connor.
- Nietzsche Quotations. From Christopher Scott Wyatt. Some full citations, most incomplete.
- The Perspectives of Nietzsche. From Bill Curry. A large number of quotations, organized by topic, each with full citations. One of the best quotations pages dedicated to a single philosopher.
- A Philosophical Practitioner's Notebook of Quotations. From Shlomit Schuster. No citations.
- Philosophical Quotations. From The Philosophers Magazine.
- A Philosophic Banquet. Most citations are incomplete (titles only). From The Philosophy Foundation.
- Philosophy Quotation Index. From Rich Gray's Philosophy site with Large number of philosophers. No citations.
- Plato Quotes. No citations. From Robert Sarkissian.
- Positive Atheism Quotations. Citations generally limited to book titles. From Cliff Walker.
- QuotAmaze: Philosophers. No citations, but hypertext links among similar topics.
- Quotations. A very thorough collection of general quotations. Not limited to philosophy, but containing many quotations by philosophers mixed among the rest. From Steve Spanoudis.
- Quotations of Hope and Imagination. Libertarian quotations. From Samy Matar.
- Quotations Page. Another very thorough collection, not limited to philosophy. Searchable. From Michael and Laura Moncur.
- Quotes from Philosophers. With portraits. Incomplete citations (titles only).
- Quotes on Liberty. From Eric S. Raymond. Few citations.
- Quotes on Wisdom and Philosophy. From John Wager. No citations.
- Rhizomat. Quotations from Deleuze and Guattari. Full citations but only one quotation at a time selected at random. Anonymous.
- Some Favorite Quotations from the Works of John Dewey. Full citations. From Craig A. Cunningham.
- Thinking Quotes. Mostly on freethought. No citations. From rpcman.
- There is nothing so ridiculous but some philosopher has said it. From Dan Werner. Some with citations, some without.
- Tom Menner's Favorite Quotes. A different, random quotation each time the page loads. Most are philosophical. No citations. From Pete Berger and Tom Menner.
- Wisdom and Ignorance. Assorted Quotations. From Nicholaos John Jones. Full citations for some items, none for others.
- Wisdom Quotes. Extensive range, but no citations. Supports email subscription. Anonymous.
- Wittgenstein Quotations. From John Siebenbaum. Very few citations. Another collection, also on Wittgenstein, also collected by Siebenbaum.
Guides | Philosophers | Topics | Associations | Journals | Teaching/Learning | Etexts | Bibliographies | Mailing Lists | Newsgroups | Projects | Preprints | Jobs | Dictionaries | Quotations | Miscellany | Hippias | Top | Bottom | Multi-File Edition | About
Guides | Philosophers | Topics | Associations | Journals | Teaching/Learning | Etexts | Bibliographies | Mailing Lists | Newsgroups | Projects | Preprints | Jobs | Dictionaries | Quotations | Miscellany | Hippias | Top | Bottom | Multi-File Edition | About
- 42. A large number of reasons to think that 42 is the answer to the riddle of the universe.
- Alexandria. "Cosmology, Philosophy, Myth, and Culture." From David Fideler.
- Section on Philosophy. Ask a philosophical question. A human "expert" will answer.
- APA Directory of Women Philosophers
- The Argument Clinic. From the Philosophy Department at the University of Northern Colorado. Submit an argument on a form, receive an evaluation by email.
- Ariadne. Calls itself the first search engine for philosophy sites on the internet. All help files are in German. Also see the mirror site in Vienna.
- Ariadne's Thread. "Experiments in Critical Thinking." From James DeHullu. Current topics are abortion and affirmative action.
- Ask the Philostopher [sic]. From David Cloutman.
- The Australasian Philosophy Home Page. From Huw Price.
- Betwixt the Margins. Links to Continental philosophers, from Erik Lindland.
- Big Dummies' Guide to Theology, Philosophy, and Ethics. From Orrin R. Onken.
- Bloomsbury Guide to Human Thought. Edited by Kenneth McLeish. Searchable.
- Books in Philosophy. A very large searchable stock of philosophy books in print, for sale at a discount. From the Philosophy Documentation Center.
- Bookstores Specializing in Rare and Antiquarian Philosophy Books
- The Academic Books Homepage. Buys and sells used books in philosophy. Also produces on-demand reprints and customized textbooks.
- Antiquariaat ISIS. Antiquarian and second-hand philosophy books (English, German, French, Dutch). From Theo Butterhof and Lyseth Belt. Searchable. Also available in Dutch.
- Blake's Books. Used and antiquarian books. Searchable. Jump straight to the philosophy catalogue.
- Camden Books. Antiquarian and scholarly books. Searchable. Jump straight to the philosophy catalogue.
- Thoemmes Antiquarian Books Limited. Antiquarian and second-hand philosophy books. Includes a free "wants" service.
- Timothy B. Wilder, Rare & Scholarly Philosophy Books. In addition to general philosophy, and 19th century British philosophy, now has a section on French philosophy.
- Brockwood Park. The school and study center founded by J. Krishnamurti.
- Brown Electronic Article Review Service (BEARS). Short refereed reviews of recent articles in moral and political philosophy.
- Can Machines Think? Graphical maps of the major positions and arguments from MacroVU.
- The Catholic Encyclopedia. Under construction.
- Chat and Dialog
- The Blue Reality. Dialogue on social criticism.
- Cafe des Philosophes. More MUD than chat. Note, not a web-link but a telnet address.
- Channel #Philosophy. From Anitah.
- ChrIdea Chat about Philosophy and Christian Faith. Chat on philosophical and Christian themes.
- The Cry. Chat on existentialist topics. Also see the related discussion board.
- cyPhi. "Open Source for the Mind." Discussion forum.
- DialogNet. Online, real-time philosophical discussion. Maintained by Kent Palmer. See the list of discussions now ongoing.
- Ethics and Technology Forum
- Ethics Updates Discussion Forums. From Lawrence Hinman. Part of Ethics Updates.
- Existentialism and Stuff. From Jen.
- Forum for European Philosophy
- The Good Company Club
- Internet Relay Chat Scholar's Network Information Page. "An Introduction for Classicists, Ancient Historians, and Students of Philosophy."
- LisThink. Philosophy Miscellany/Chat and Dialog/LisThink. E-mail discussion and web-based chat.
- The Mad Philosophers Guild. Threaded discussion forum.
- Pathfinder Philosophy Thread. From Time Magazine's Pathfinder site.
- Philosophical Discussions. From James Petts.
- Philosophy Campfire Chat. Searchable.
- Philosophy Chat. From Inside The Web.
- Philosophy Chat. From
- Philosophy Chat and Notice Board. From Griffith University's Humanities HUB.
- Philosophy Discussion Board. Especially on philosophy of science.
- Philosophy for Everyone Forum. Part of the Philosophy for Everyone page.
- Philosophy Forums
- Philosophy Net Chat. From The Philosophy Net. English-language interface at a Swedish site; most users are likely to chat in Swedish.
- Polylog. "Forum for Intercultural Philosophizing."
- Real-Time Talk for Philosophers Over the Internet
- Teenage Philosopher's Society Chat Rooms. Java and non-Java rooms.
- The Undernet Philosophy Channel. Part of the Undernet Book Discussion Group.
- The Undernet #Philosophy Page. For civil philosophical discussion. More for philosophical amateurs than professionals.
- Yahoo Philosophy Chat
- Chinese Philosophy. From Steven A. Brown.
- Chinese Philosophy. From Su Tzu.
- Clandestine E-Texts From the Eighteenth Century. From Gianluca Mori. Mostly works of French philosophy.
- Compulog Net. Home page of network of sites working on computational logic. Coordinated by David Pearce.
- The Cry Philosophy Community. One of the Howard Rheinbold virtual communities. From Community Ware and Durand Communications.
- Conferences and Events
- APnet Conference Information. From the Australian Philosophical Network. On Australian and international events.
- Calls for Papers. From Lorenzo Cuna.
- Conferences and Calls for Papers. From Dey Alexander.
- Conferences and Calls for Papers. From the American Philosophical Association.
- Conferences and Calls for Papers. From the Canadian Philosophical Association.
Events Page. From the Philosophers' Web Magazine. Formerly limited to the U.K., now international; well-organized.
- General Conference Pages. From Stephen Clark.
- Graduate Student Philosophy Conference Calendar. From the Graduate Student Philosophy Society, University of Florida.
- The Philosophical Calendar. From the Conference of Philosophical Societies. The APA version of this page.
Philosophical Events: Conferences, Seminars, Meetings. From Tom Stone.
- Philosophy Calendar. From the Philosophy News Service.
- Philosophy Events. From Peter King.
- Cosmic Baseball Association. Stats on the Alphatown Ionians.
- The Daily Translation. From Tom Trelogan. A new problem in predicate logic translation every day, taken from the news. With an archive of answered problems.
- Departments of Philosophy. There are many lists, but these are the most useful:
- The Hartmann Report, 1997-98. "A Ranking of U.S. Graduate Programs in Continental Philosophy." From John Hartmann.
- Peterson's Guide to Graduate Programs in Philosophy
- The Philosophical Gourmet Report, 1998-2000. "A Ranking of U.S. Graduate Programs in Analytic Philosophy." Despite the subtitle, contains information on programs friendly to Continental philosophy as well. From Brian Leiter.
- The Lighter Report, 1998-2000. A parody of Leiter's Gourmet Report from J. David Velleman and others.
- Philosophy Departments Around the World. From Peter King.
- Philosophy Departments Around the World. From Tom Stone.
- Philosophy Departments Around the World. From Paul Wong.
- Philosophy Graduate Schools. A directory from Organized by region. Information and email addresses. Very few links to department home pages.
- Philosophy Graduate Schools Friendly to Continental Philosophy. From the Earlham College Department of Philosophy. Under construction, help solicited.
- The Real Guide to Grad School Philosophy Departments. From Lingua Franca.
- Dictionaries and Glossaries. These were formerly located here, but I've moved them to a section of their own.
- Directory of Women Philosophers. From the APA. Searchable.
- Early Modern Philosophy. From Dennis Des Chene. Under construction but ambitious.
- Encéphi - L'encyclopédie électronique de la philosophie. French encyclopedia of philosophy under the direction of Robert Tremblay.
- Enciclopedia Multimediale delle Scienze Filosofiche. Italian encyclopedia of philosophy. From Radio Televisione Italiana.
- The Engaged Buddhist Dharma Page. Human rights and political action from a Buddhist perspective.
- Ethics and Values Studies Program. Funding opportunities from the National Science Foundation, Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences.
- Ethics at UNESCO. From UNESCO.
- The E-Ville Dialogues. From Shana M. Fisher.
- The Eyes and Mind Page. "Popper flavoured Maxims and Explanations." From Fabrizio Bartolomucci.
- Famous Dead Non-Theists. From Mark Gilbert.
- Film-Philosophy Electronic Salon. From Daniel Frampton.
- Freethinkers. From Zardoz.
- Great Ideas home page. From Bowling Green State University.
- Great Philosophers of the Western World: Rogue Gallery. Offbeat reflections on selected philosophers.
- Great Thinkers and Visionaries. A personal list from Alexander Chislenko. Good links for those he includes.
- The Grey Labyrinth. Logical, philosophical, and mathematical puzzles. From Kevin Lin.
- Guidebook for Publishing Philosophy, 1986 Edition. By Maricia Yudkin and Janice Moulton. There is a 1997 edition by Eric Hoffman, but it is not on the web.
- A Guide to English Translations of Continental Philosophers. From Thoemmes Press. Under construction.
- Hackett Publishing Company. The publisher specializing in philosophy.
- Hegel's Phenomenology, An Online Study. Archive of a mailing list.
- Here, Madam. Short introductions to the major branches of philosophy and canonical figures. Anonymous.
- Historians and Philosophers. "A collated web index of significant historians and philosophers." A large number of names with links to primary and secondary sources on the web. From Peter Ravn Rasmussen.
- History of Western Philosophy Summary Outline. From Patrick Distante.
- Humor
- Biotechnology Code of Ethics
- Can Bad Men Make Good Brains Do Bad Things? By Michael Patton. Includes an explanation for non-philosophers.
- Comic Relief for the Pathologically Philosophical
- Humor in Philosophy. Quotations collected by Norman Swartz.
- New Yorker Cartoons About Philosophy. Each is available on a t-shirt, sweatshirt, or framed. From the New Yorker Cartoon Bank. Use the search engine on the site for particular names and topics.
- Jean-Paul Sartre Cookbook
- Philosophical Humor. From David Chalmers.
- Philosopher Jokes. From Howard Pospesel.
- Philosophical Kisses. From Trygve Lode.
- Philosophy Comix. Collected and scanned by Larry Hauser.
- Philosophy Humor! From Kev Klement.
- Philosophy Humor. Valdosta list.
- Philosophy in LISP
- Philosophy Light Bulb Jokes. From Glenn Miller.
- Philosophy Songs. By V. Alan White.
- Random Pomo Essay Generator. Every click, a new essay.
- Religious and Philosophical Humor. Large list of items not listed elsewhere. Allows readers to rate items interactively. From LaughWeb.
- The Socrates Argument Clinic. From Cheryl and Michael Patton.
- Tech Support Nietzsche Style. Anonymous.
- The Idea Channel. Contemporary scholars discuss their ideas. Jump to the philosophy section (so far, all right-wing thinkers).
- The Independent Thinker's Toolbox
- Indigo Aesthetics. Teaching aesthetics as if it matters.
- IntellecTease. Philosophical T-shirts and stationery for sale.
- Intellectual History. From the University of California, Riverside.
- The Invention of Knowledge. An essay in epistemology by Art Bardige.
- Jain Philosophy. From Phil Adams.
- The Kantian Ethics Companion. From five students in Rick McCarty's Kantian Ethics course at East Carolina University, Spring 1999.
- K.I.S.S. of the Panopticon. Introduction to cultural theory, including many philosophers. From Dougie Bicket.
- Knowledge Fractagramming. Heuristics to aid concept formation. From Peter McGuire.
- The Left Hemisphere. "Skepticism, Religion, and Secularism on the WWW."
- Library of Living Philosophers. The book series.
- The Logic Daemon. Interactive proof tester for propositional logic. Recently enhanced to include predicate logic. From Colin Allen.
- Logic Puzzles. From Arlet Ottens.
- The Lovers of Wisdom Web Site. From Hope May, Michael Russo and Joe Salerno. Online supplement to Daniel Kolak's book of the same title.
- The Meaning of Life. A list of portentous formulae. Send yours to the maintainer and it will be included.
- The Meaning of Life and Everything Society (MOLES). From David Tow.
- The Memory Hole. Links on anarchism and philosophical egoism. From Alan Koontz.
Meta-Encyclopedia of Philosophy. One alphabetical index to the contents of the major philosophical encyclopedias and dictionaries. From Andrew Chrucky.
- The Metaphysics of Blue. "Looking for soul in a soulless world." Apparently anonymous.
- The MIT Encyclopedia of Cognitive Sciences (MITECS). Requires registration ("subscription"), at no charge.
- The Ferrater Mora Chair of Contemporary Thought. At the University of Girona in Spain.
- My Absurd World, And Yours. Existentialist images, texts, and links. From Travis Zinn.
- Nihilism. An essay against it, with a few links, by Paul Stewart Snyder.
- No Dogs or Philosophers Allowed. Web site of the TV show.
On-Line Information on Publishers in Philosophy and Related Disciplines. Book and journal publishers. Aims for completeness. From Peter Milne.
- Online Papers in Philosophy. These were formerly located here, but I've moved them to the section on Etexts, where they form a subsection of their own.
- The Origins of Knowledge. From Onar Åm.
- Ourminds Library of Eastern and Western Philosophy. From Angelo Gagliano.
- An Overview of Russian Philosophy. From Mikhail Epstein.
- The Oxford Companion to Philosophy. Edited by Ted Honderich. Excerpts only. Searchable.
- Page of Honest Intellectual Inquiry. Books read and recommended by rpcman.
- Patton's Argument Clinic. An introduction to "the good, the bad and the idiotic debates in modern philosophy."
- Petition to Save the Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica. Sign by email to help prevent a valuable Dutch collection from being dispersed. Not clear when the collection might be sold. Posted here August 24, 1997.
- Philosopher of the Month. From Chase Wrenn.
- Philosophers and their Ideas. Brief summaries, amounting to a short history of philosophy. Anonymous. This site has disappeared. Can any readers help locate it?
- The Philosopher's Sight. An attempt to organize discussion of philosophy papers self-published by their authors on the web. So far just an idea.
- Philosophical Argument. An interactive tutorial by Jon Dorbolo.
- Philosophical Counseling
- Buho Rojo. From the Asociacion Cultural y Educativa. In Spanish.
- Existential Psychotherapy. From Tim LeBon.
- LuminEscence. Counseling, workshops, and speaker's bureau.
- Louis Marinoff on Philosophical Practice. From Louis Marinoff.
- Philosophers on Call. Counselors who will conduct online sessions for a fee.
- Philosophical Counseling. From the Center Sophon in Jerusalem.
- Philosophical Counseling. From DialogNet. Under construction.
- Philosophical Counseling. From Daniel Kealey.
- Philosophical Counseling. From Peter B. Raabe. Also see his monthly column on philosophical counseling at the Philosophy News Service.
- Philosophical Services. From Kenneth Cust.
- From Pyro Philosohpical Services. In Victoria, British Columbia.
- Society of Consultant Philosophers
- What's Happening in Philosophical Counseling?. Collected columns by Peter B. Raabe from the Philosophy News Service.
- Philosophical Influence: Statistically Determined. From Andrew Chrucky. Textual and graphical excerpts from his book.
- The Philosophical Institute. Online philosophy courses from Karen Olesch-Williams.
- Philosophy —A History of Ideas. For secondary school students. From nilslg.
- Philosophy and the Information Superhighway. An outdated guide to online philosophy. Only a few years old but already of antiquarian interest.
- Philosophy Crossword Puzzles. From Gordon Ziniewicz.
- The Philosophy Explorer. From Paul Miranda.
- Philosophy For All. A London-based organization that hosts philosophical debates, workshops, round-tables, and walks.
- Philosophy for Children. Also see journals and associations.
- Journal 100: European Children Think Together. From Berrie Heesen. Also available in Dutch and other languages.
- Folosofía para Niños. Buenos Aires. In Spanish.
- Philosophy for Children. From Gil Burgh.
- Philosophy for Children, Northwest. From Dale Cannon.
- Philosophy for Children on the Web. Put up in association with (inter alia) the International Council for Philosophical Inquiry with Children.
- Philosophy in Schools. From Liza Haglund and Ragnar Ohlsson. Also available in Swedish.
- Teaching Your Child Philosophy. From Jane Pascal.
- VisioNaivity. From Per Jespersen. In Swedish and English.
- Philosophy for Everyone. From Ryan Breedon.
- Philosophy Games. From The Philosophers Magazine.
- Philosophy Goes Public. Web page for the discussion whether to launch a philosophy journal for the general public. From Raymond S. Pfeiffer.
- Philosophy in the Low Countries. From Ph. Keulemans.
- Philosophy in the News
- Bioethics in the news. From the Bioethics Network of Ohio.
- New York Times Section on Philosophy News. First-time users must register, but there is no charge. Supports email alerts.
- Philhaps. From the Philosophy Department at Claremont Graduate University. Philosophical happenings especially in Southern California. Supports email notification.
- Philosophy in the News. From Wadsworth Publishing Co. Links to news stories that raise philosophical issues, e.g. about cloning or free speech.
- Philosophy Now News Service. From the journal Philosophy Now.
Philosophy News Service. "The latest philosophy news and announcements from around the world." Supports email notification. Also see the subpage on What's Happening in Philosophy and the eGroup on Calls for Papers. From Richard Jones.
- Philosophy in the North East. That's northeast England.
- Philosophy is Everybody's Business. "A Syntopical Approach to the Common Sense of Practical Philosophy." From the Center for the Study of The Great Ideas.
- Philosophy of Science Paper Review Project. Student papers from at course at Indiana University Southeast made public for comment.
- Philosophy Professors with Home-Pages
- The American Philosophical Association's list.
- Peter King's list.
- Tom Stone's list. Includes graduate students. Searchable but not browsable. Allows searching by area of specialization.
- Philosophy Quiz. From The Centre for Thomistic Studies (Sydney, Australia).
- Philosophy Radio. Links to philosophy radio programs, organized by topic. From Thomas Hancock.
- Philosophy Service. Subscribe to a daily dose of philosophy by email.
- Philosophy Since the Enlightenment. From Roger Jones.
- Portraits of Philosophers
- Bentham's Stuffed Body
- Björn's List of Philosophers. The graphical table of contents is a portrait gallery.
- Galeria d'Imatges From Jordi Cortés Morató.
- Gallery of Russian Thinkers. From Mikhail Epstein.
- Images of Philosophers
- Nietzsche Morphing into Hegel. From Brian Manning Delaney. Makes more sense visually than textually.
- Mugshots of Philosophers of Science
-">Philatelic Philosophy. Philosophers on postage stamps from around the world. From Alan Soble.
- Philosopher All-Stars Trading Cards. Portraits plus brief textual introductions to selected social philosophers. From Mark Achbar and Peter Wintonick.
- Philosopher's Gallery
- The Philosopher's Gallery. Not the same as the previous listing. Under construction.
- Philosophers. Photographs of living philosophers and statues by Sijmen Hendriks.
- Picture Album of Phenomenologists
- Portrait Gallery. For the history of ideas broadly, not just philosophy. From Thoemmes Press. Well-rendered. Thoemmes gives permission to download them.
- 17th and 18th Century Philosophical Image Gallery. Collected by Ron Bombardi.
- Women in Philosophy Gallery. From Karla Tonella.
- Postmodern Dreaming. "Contemporary Philosophy, Critical Theory, Semiotics, Linguistics, Poststructuralism and Postmodern Thought" —especially on the subject of dreams. From Richard Wilkerson.
- Post-Renaissance Thought. Political philosophy links from St. Martin's Press.
- Prisoner's Dilemma. Play in real time against a software rival. Another implementation.
- Provenzano & Sons, Philosophy and Theology
- Quotations. These were formerly located here, but I've moved them to a section of their own.
- Rebekkah's Philosophy Page. From Rebekkah Shrimplin.
- Religious Atheisms. "A Guide for the Compleat Atheist." From tpkunesh.
- Rivendell's Philosophy Page. An introduction to philosophy.
- The Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Overview of the ambitious reference work. No on-line content beyond samples, but more than an advertisement.
- Russian Philosophy Forum
- Schemata for Fossicking Philosophers. Anonymous.
- The School of Wisdom
- Sean's List of Miscellaneous Philosophy Sites. From Sean Cearley.
- Slick Maneuver Identification Tables. From Luke Setzer. Study guide to fallacies based on William Kilgore's logic text.
- Society for the Elimination of All Truth. And its journal, Life and Death.
- Software for Philosophy
- The American Philosophical Association's list.
- The CTI list. CTI = Centre for Textual Studies, Oxford University.
- Logic Calculators. From Calculators On-Line Center.
- Logic Software. From Christian Gottschall.
- Giuseppe Perri's list for SWIF.
- Reason!Able. Software to teach reasoning. From The Reason Group.
- Uwe Wiedemann's list.
- Southern California Philosophers On-Line. Links to Southern California philosophy departments and individual philosophers with home pages.
- Stoic Registry. If you're a Stoic, sign up, unless you think Stoics wouldn't do that.
- Theistic Philosophers on the Web. A list from Richard Brian Davis.
- The Thinking Man's Minefield. From Kevin Solway.
- Thinking's Legacy and the Evolution of Experience. From Cliff Skoog.
- Thought Experiments
- Timelines of the History of Philosophy. Omitting at least for now timelines of the life and works of individual philosophers.
- British Religion and Philosophy in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries: A Chronology. From the Victorian Web. Brief with some links to names and texts.
- The Development of Western Christianity. From Charles Ess.
- History of Mathematics, Chronological Index. From the MacTutor History of Mathematics.
- HyperHistory Online. Not limited to philosophy. If you select a "People" view, you'll see philosophers color-coded among the other historical figures. A philosophy-only view is planned.
- Nineteenth Century Continental Philosophy. From Peter Suber. Links to Hippias searches.
- Timeline. From Björn Christensson. Graphical but not yet clickable.
- Timeline. From The Window (a general guide to philosophy). Links to other sections of The Window site.
- Timeline of Analytic Philosophy. From Roger Jones. Brief, no links.
- Timeline of Artificial Intelligence. From Jorn Barger (drawing on the work of others). No links.
- Timeline of Some Important Philosophical Figures. Anonymous. No links.
- Timeline of Western Philosophers. From Garth Kemerling. Links to entries in Garth's dictionary of philosophy.
- Timeline of Western Philosophy. From the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Links to articles in the IEP.
- Timetable of Significant Events in Psychology 1846-1935. Based on work by William S. Sahakian, amended by Lloyd Gordon Ward and Robert Throop for the Mead Project.
- WinMagic Timeline of the History of Philosophy. Links to various relevant sites, some by WinMagic, some not.
- Twentieth Century World Congress of Philosophy. Boston, August 10-16, 1998.
- UMI Dissertation Abstracts in Philosophy, Religion, and Theology. University Microfilms International. Searchable.
- The Undergrowth of Philosophy. Links to "all that is wacky, preposterous, and just plain silly in contemporary philosophy" in the opinion of Rita Zurcher. From the National Association of Scholars but not necessarily reflecting its views.
- The Unemployed Philosopher's Guild. A gift company. "100% of all proceeds go to unemployed philosophers!"
- Victorian Web, Philosophy Overview. Brown University.
- Webrings
- The Anarchy Ring
- Dharma Ring. Buddhism.
- EcoFeminism Web Ring
- The Egoism Webring. Egoism in philosophy and psychology.
- The Eternal Return Webring. Contemporary continental philosophy.
- Everything Postmodern Webring. Postmodernism in philosophy, sociology, psychology, and critical theory.
- Existentialism Webring
- The Existentialism Webring. Not the same as the previous entry.
- The Freedom Ring
- The Freethought Ring. From Internet Infidels.
- International Atheists Ring of Truth
- Mythos and Logos Webring
- The Philosophy Webring. From Geocities.
- The Philosophy Webring. From Yahoo. Not the same as the previous entry.
- The Platonic Ring. Phenomeonology and ancient Greek philosophy.
- The Political Philosophy Webring. From Yahoo.
- The Rationalists Webring. Atheism and freethought.
- The Ring of Academic Philosophy. Analytic and continental, Eastern and Western sites all welcome.
- The Ring of Philosophy
- Ring of Truth
- The Teenage Philosopher's Society Webring
- Western Philosophy. Part 3 (the philosophical part) of the larger Neural Surfer site. From David Christopher Lane.
- Who the Heck Were Calvin and Hobbes? From Daniel Berlin.
- Wisdom in the Eye of the Frog. Classical philosophical questions answered with the aid of insights from the genetics of a frog's eye. Based on a book by Robert Vermeulen.
- Women Philosophers. From SWIP.
- Zen in Daily Life. From Ofer.
- Zen Stories to Tell Your Neighbors. From John Suler.
- Zen Quip Generator. From the Southwest Chogye International Zen Academeia.
- Zeno's Coffeehouse. Puzzles and brain teasers, with answers for all but the most current one.
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Peter Suber, Department of Philosophy, Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana, 47374, U.S.A. . Copyright © 1996-2003, Peter Suber.
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